
養生訓 The Precept of Care of Health第73回

原文 (Oj340-06-36)

現代日本語訳 (Tj340-06-36)


英訳 (Te340-06-36)
A doctor works hard at concentrate medical path.

When a doctor is at home, he or she must always read a medical book to study the theory, a medical examine a sick person, refer to the medical book about the disease, and prescribe medicine with great care.
If you take on a sick person; not distracted by other things, and it is important to think precisely, referring to medical books. Gist, the doctor needs to be devoted to the way of medical. Don't be fascinated by other unusual things. If you don't try to be devoted to the way of medical, you won't be able to become a doctor who is familiar with the medical profession.

原文 (Oj341-06-37)

現代日本語訳 (Tj341-06-37)


英訳 (Te341-06-37)
Know how to do medical science

Even if you are not a doctor, if you have knowledge of a drug, you can take care of health and help others. However, in order to get medical care well, study medicine specialty, it is not possible to do if it does not become a main occupation. Therefore, rather than taking medicine by yourself, it is necessary to leave it to a good doctor.
If you are not a medical student, you must not take medicine on your own. However, it is necessary to know the medical art of the outline. Choose a doctor's good skill or bad skill, refer to the medicine book, know the nature of the medicine and whether food is good or poison, read the medical book, formulate the medicine of the emergency for the day, cure the sudden illness when the doctor does not come, cure a small disease in the non-medical village or travel, because it is useful for the care and emergency, It might be good that the person who has free time knows the medicine art a little.
Not knowing the art of medicine does not know whether good or bad of the doctor and thinks that the person who is vogue in the world is a good doctor and thinks the doctor who does not become a vogue is bad. It is written, "The great doctor is not a doctor who is vogue in the age" in 'Medical theory'. There are many cases in the world where you don't know whether good or bad of the doctor, you entrust your parents' lives to a bad doctor, you entrust your body, and you die of being misdiagnosed. It's a horrible thing.

原文 (Oj342-06-38)

現代日本語訳 (Tj342-06-38)


英訳 (Te342-06-38)
Medical path to become a good doctor

Whether you are the samurai child or the common child, if you have the talent to become a doctor when you are young, you should read Confucian books as soon as possible. And, basic academic ability is acquired, the medical book is studied by the academic ability, and it studies by reading the book of successive good doctors from 'Inner sutra' and 'Medicinal herbs' for ten years under a good teacher. And, after gradually mastering medicine, for ten years, he learns about the way of treatment of a senior good doctor in modern Japan by learning about various diseases for a long period of time. And I've been clinical for a long time, to know the appropriate situation, to adapt to the climate of Japan, the skill becomes more and more precise, it will be a good doctor always when the medicine and the experience become 20 years together.
by all means And, you will be able to treat diseases and save a lot of people.
Then, the fame rises naturally, there is an invitation from the house with a high position and a splendid person, it is adored by the samurai and the common people, the reward increases, and a rich life will be done a lifetime.
In this way, if you work hard and learn, you will can be had honor and wealth easily enough to pick up the dust. This is a good plan for samurai and common people's children to gain fame and wealth from poverty and succeed in life. Such a good doctor can be called a national treasure. The lords should train such good doctors as soon as possible.
The person who tries to become a doctor learns what the bad doctor is doing, believes in foolish public language, does not learn medicine, obey to a vulgar teacher,, does not read the medical book of China, , does not know the cause and the pulse of the sickness, does not know the medicinal herb, does not know the nature of the medicine, and is ignorant to the medical skill, read 2 or 3 volumes of the doctor's book on the Japanese syllabaries written by a doctor in early modern Japan, remembers the effect of the medicine a little, wears superior clothes, decorates my appearance and movement, skillfully speaks, does the hospitality of the person, approaches the house of the wealthy, and imitates a rich doctor in search of chance. You'll end up with a lifelong, insignificant doctor.
Such a trivial doctor spread about that treatment becomes poor when studying the medicine is studied, he is a slander an academic doctor. To become a doctor, to take care of the heavy lives of all the people who are said to be children of the heavens, and to treat an infinite number of diseases in the world, it is not worth discussing to do such a servile technique.

原文 (Oj343-06-39)

現代日本語訳 (Tj343-06-39)


英訳 (Te343-06-39)
The bad doctor hates learning

The bad doctor hates medical science and does not study. He reads the medical book that a great doctor of modern times wrote under a pseudonym, when he learned the prescription of medicine for 40 or 50 cases, he does not know the medical path well, but he gets used to the treatment of the sick, in treating a normal disease, it is superior to the doctor who is not accustomed to the treatment of the sick person though the medical book is read well. For example, Japanese milled is ripe, it's more delicious than the immature the five main cereals.
However, doctors who don't know medicine tend to misdiagnose whether they are going to be a fact or fiction, because they make a mistake to fiction or fact and the heat and cold. It often invites invisible evils. If you think there is a heat symptom similar to cold, there is a cold symptom similar to heat. There is also a fact symptom similar to fiction, and a fiction symptom similar to fact. Internal damage and external troubles are very similar. There are many confusing diseases like this. There are diseases that are deep-rooted and difficult to diagnose, and there are also rare diseases. To treat
such disease you can't do it without knowing medical science.

原文 (Oj344-06-40)

現代日本語訳 (Tj344-06-40)


英訳 (Te344-06-40)
The ambition of the person who becomes a doctor

The person who becomes a doctor first makes up the ambition, in good faith to save people widely, it is not a high and low social standing of the sick person, and it should to treat. This is the original purpose of the person who becomes a doctor. If you reveal medical paths and become familiar with medical skills, you will be able to gain unlimited happiness by being naturally taken care of by people without asking for it.
If there is no feel to save a person only for the purpose of seeking his own profit, the doctor loses the healing art, and does not have the protection of the heavenly way and God.

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