
M&Aと決算で学ぶファイナンス英語#3 化学✕香料の巨大企業誕生、DSMとFirmenichが合併②



☑ public exchange offer

☑ consideration

☑ tender

As a first step, the DSM shareholders will be given the opportunity to exchange their DSM shares for DSM-Firmenich shares through a public exchange offer (the "Offer"). The consideration under the Offer will be one ordinary share in the capital of DSM-Firmenich for each tendered ordinary share in the capital of DSM.


☑ settlement

☑ implement

Furthermore, DSM and Firmenich have agreed that if DSM-Firmenich, after settlement of the Offer, holds less than 95%, but at least 80% of the ordinary share capital of DSM, DSM-Firmenich may decide to implement a customary pre-wired back-end structure.



☑ triangular merger

☑ newly incorporated

☑ merge with and into

☑ issue shares

This first step consists of a legal triangular merger involving DSM and two newly incorporated subsidiaries of DSM ("Company Holdco" and "Company Sub"). In this legal triangular merger, DSM (as disappearing company) merges with and into Company Sub (as acquiring company), and Company Holdco issues shares to the shareholders of DSM. Subsequently Company Holdco sells its shares in Company Sub to DSM-Firmenich (the "Share Sale") for a consideration consisting of a note (the "Note") that gives the holder of the note the right to require DSM-Firmenich to deliver to it, on first demand, such number of DSM-Firmenich shares that is equal to the number of DSM ordinary shares held by DSM-Firmenich plus the DSM ordinary shares held by the non-tendering DSM shareholders (the "Share Sale Consideration").

ーー「プリワイヤード・バックエンド措置」ではまず、DSMおよび新設する同社の子会社2社(それぞれCompany HoldcoとCompany Subと呼ぶ)の間での三角合併を実施する。この三角合併により、DSM(消滅会社)はCompany Sub(買い手会社)と合併し、Company HoldcoがDSM株主に対して株式を発行する。その後、Company Holdcoは保有するCompany Subの株式をDSM-Firmenichに売却し、対価としてDSM-Firmenichおよび公開買い付けに応募しないDSM株主が保有するDSM株式の合計数と同数のDSM-Firmenich株式を交付するよう同社に請求できる権利を受け取る。

☑ liquidated

☑ liquidation distribution

As a final step, Company Holdco is liquidated, and as soon as practicable after completion of the Share Sale, the liquidator will arrange for an (advance) liquidation distribution.

ーー最終的にCompany Holdcoは清算される。DSM-Firmenichに対するCompany Sub株式の売却が完了した後、清算人は実務上可能な限り速やかに清算分配の手配を行う。

☑ statutory

Furthermore, if after settlement of the Offer, DSM-Firmenich holds at least 95% of the ordinary shares in the capital of DSM, DSM-Firmenich will commence a statutory buy-out procedure in accordance with Dutch law.


☑ admitted to listing and trading on

The DSM-Firmenich shares will be admitted to listing and trading on Euronext Amsterdam on or shortly after the settlement of the Offer.



☑ finance the cash payment

☑ financing facility 

☑ conditions precedent

DSM will finance the cash payment to be made in connection with the Combination from available cash resources. To assist DSM therein, it has entered into a bridge financing facility of €3.0bn as borrower with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, London Branch as underwriter. At the date hereof, DSM has no reason to believe that the conditions precedent set out in the bridge financing facility will not be satisfied at the time of the Contribution.

ーーDSMは本合併に伴って支払う現金を、利用可能な資金源から調達する。この目的のため、DSMはJ.P. Morgan Chase Bank NAのロンドン支店による引き受けを通じた30億ユーロのブリッジファイナンスを活用する。本発表時点において、DSMが現金支払いを必要とするタイミング(※)でブリッジファイナンスの契約に定められた前提条件が満たされないと信じるに足る理由は存在していない。

(※)ここでのthe Contributionは、Firmenich株主が保有する全ての同社株式を、DSM-Firmenich株式および現金35億ユーロと交換する取引を指す。


☑ competition clearance

DSM and Firmenich will seek to obtain all the necessary approvals and competition clearances as soon as is practicable and will initiate the information and applicable consultation procedures, with DSM's works councils and unions as soon as possible. The Offering Circular is expected to be made public in the second half of 2022. The merger is expected to ultimately close in the first half of 2023.



pre-wired backend structure(プリワイヤード・バックエンド措置)とは、公開買い付けのプロセスにおいて少数株主の退出を促し取引の確実性を高める目的で、オランダにおいて慣行的に利用される手法です。一般的には、対象会社が保有する資産を買い付け企業の関連会社に売却した後、株主への分配と対象会社の清算を実施する手続きで進められます。通常、買い付けの完了前に株主総会の承認を得ることが多いことから、「プリワイヤード」と呼ばれます。(Loyens & Loeff)
