
M&Aと決算で学ぶファイナンス英語#4 暗号資産業界に激震、FTXの経営破綻



☑ d.b.a.

☑ voluntary proceedings

FTX Trading Ltd. (d.b.a. FTX.com), announced today that it, West Realm Shires Inc. (d.b.a. FTX US), Alameda Research Ltd. and approximately 130 additional affiliated companies (together, the "FTX Group"), have commenced voluntary proceedings under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the District of Delaware in order to begin an orderly process to review and monetize assets for the benefit of all global stakeholders.

ーーFTX Trading Ltd. (通称FTX.com)は本日、同社とWest Realm Shires Inc.(通称FTX US)、Alameda Research Ltd、およびその他関連会社約130社(FTX Groupと総称する)について、デラウェア州における米国連邦破産法11条の適用を申請したと発表した。世界各地の関係者の利益を保護するため、適切な手続きに則り資産の評価と資金化を進める。


☑ be appointed 

☑ resign

John J. Ray III has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the FTX Group. Sam Bankman-Fried has resigned his role as Chief Executive Officer and will remain to assist in an orderly transaction.

ーーJohn J. Ray III氏がFTX GroupのCEOに任命された。Sam Bankman-Fried氏はCEOを辞任した上で、円滑な破産手続きの遂行に協力する。


☑ engage

The FTX Debtors have engaged Perella Weinberg Partners LP ("PWP") as lead investment bank and commenced preparation of certain businesses for sale or reorganization. The engagement of PWP is subject to Court approval.

ーーFTXの債務者は米投資銀行のPerella Weinberg Partners LP(PWP)を起用し、一部事業の売却や再編に向けた検討を始めた。PWPの起用は裁判所の承認が前提となる。

☑ solvent

"Based on our review over the past week, we are pleased to learn that many regulated or licensed subsidiaries of FTX, within and outside of the United States, have solvent balance sheets, responsible management and valuable franchises," said Mr. John J. Ray, III.

ーーJohn J. Ray, III氏は「過去1週間の評価作業の結果、米国内外にあるFTXの子会社の多くは支払い能力と信頼の置ける経営陣、価値ある事業を有していることが分かった」とコメントした。


☑ file X with

☑ motion

☑ relief

☑ grant

☑ ordinary course payment

☑ vendor

The FTX Debtors have filed today various motions with the Bankruptcy Court seeking interim relief from the Court that, if granted, would allow the operation of a new global cash management system and the ordinary course payment of critical vendors and vendors at foreign subsidiaries. A hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 22, 2022.

