




コンクール結果報告 Result of a Competition

I was a finalist in Luciano Berio International Composition Competition but didn't win a prize. Thank you all for supporting! :) Shin Mizutani ルチアーノ・ベリオ国際作曲コンクールのファイナリストになりましたが、受賞を逃しました。 今後も頑張ります! 皆さま、ありがとうございました! 水谷晨

    • コンクール入選のお知らせ Competition Honourable Mention

      My string quartet received a special mention from the "Andrea Cesaro" Rome Award Composition Competition. I will continue to devote my energies to this project and I would like to thank you all for your continued support. 拙作の弦楽四重奏曲が"Andrea

      • 修士課程をおえての感想 Impressions after completing the Master's programme

        I would like to write about some of my thoughts after completing my postgraduate studies. I managed to produce a good final piece of composition under the strict guidance of Professor Hitomi Kaneko, but my regret is my master's thesis. As

        • 作曲コンクールについて About Composition Competition

          Now, this is my second NOTE post. Today I will write about composition competitions. I have won prizes in several international competitions (the certificates below are from the 'Accademia Musica International Music Competition'(Austria) an

        コンクール結果報告 Result of a Competition

          初めてのノート記事 First note article

          Hello everyone! I've just started to write a note. A review article of my recent "3.11 Memorial Concert" was published in the magazine The Music Today(音楽現代)! The article was written by great musicologist Minoru Nishihara! 皆さまこんにちは! note

          初めてのノート記事 First note article