
【本紹介】「iphoneを生み出したのはジョブスじゃない」("Think again"Adam Grant/著)




 今日は、Rethinkを活用して、その意見を180度転換し、ヒーローになった人物 Steve Jobsを、「Give & Take 与える人こそ成功する時代」「Originals 誰もが人と違うことができる時代」の著者アダム・グラントの最新刊 「Think Again」から見てみよう。 (下記の日本語訳は意訳です)

In 2004, a small group of engineers, designers, marketers bitch to Jobs on turning their hit products, the iPod, into a phone. "Why the fuck would we want to do that ? Jobs snapped. " That is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard."

 "時は、2004年までさかのぼる。数人のアップル社のエンジニア・デザイナーがスティーブ・ジョブズに対して i Podのなかに電話を入れようとする提案をした時、ジョブスは「どうしてそんなことするんだ?」とピシャリと言った。「私が今まで聞いてきた中で一番イケてない考えだ。」

The team had recognized that mobile phones were starting to feature the ability to play music, but Jobs was worried about cannibalizing Apple's thriving iPod business. He hated cell phone companies and didn't want to design products within the constraints that carriers imposed. 


When his calls dropped or the software crashed, he would sometimes smash his phone to pieces in frustration. In private meeting and public stages, he swore over and over that he would never make a phone. Yet some of Apple's engineers were already doing research in that area.


They worked together to persuade Jobs that he didn’t know what he didn’t know and urged him to doubt his convictions. It might be possible, they argued, to build a smartphone that everyone would love using - and to get the carriers to do it Apple’s way.

" 彼らは結託して、ジョブスが何を知らないかを(自分で)知らないと説得し、彼の確信に疑念を持たせるべく、働きかけていた。みんなが好んで使うスマートフォンを作るのは可能かもしれない - 通信会社にアップルのやり方に適応させるように彼らは熱心に働きかけ続けた。"

 Research shows that when people are resistant to change, it helps to reinforce what will stay the same. Visions for change are more compelling when they include visions of continuity. Although our strategy might evolve, our identity will endure.


 The engineers who worked closely with Jobs understood that this was one of the best ways to convince him. They assured him that they weren't trying to turn Apple into a phone company. It remains a computer company - they were just taking their existing products and adding a phone on the side. Apple was already putting 20,000 songs in your pocket, so why wouldn’t they put everything else in your pocket, too ? They needed to rethink their technology, but they would preserve their DNA.


 "我々はコンピュータ会社であり続けるー既存の製品ラインの隣に電話を加えるだけだと。アップルは既にポケットに2万曲の歌を入れられるデバイス(iPod)を持っているのに、ユーザーは全てをポケットに入れるようになるだろうか? アップルのエンジニア達は、自身のDNAを保持しながらも、テクノロジーを "rethink" する必要があった。"

After six months of discussion, jobs finally became curious enough to give the effort his blessing, and two different teams were off to the races in an experiment to test whether they should add calling capabilities to the iPod or turn the Mac into a miniature tablet that doubled as a phone. Just four years after it launched, the iPhone accounted for half of Apple's revenue.



 The iPhone represented a dramatic leap(跳躍) in rethinking the smart-phone. Since its inception(発端), smartphone innovation has been much more incremental(増分,漸増の), with different sizes and shapes, better cameras, longer battery life, but few fundamental changes to the purpose or user experience.


Looking back, if Mike Lazaridis (ブラックベリーの創設者) had been more open to rethinking his pet product, would BlackBerry and Apple have compelled(強いる) each other to reimagine the smartphone multiple times by now ?

 "歴史にもしはないが、もしBlackBerryで一世を風靡したMike Lazaridis が彼の製品を rethinkすることに前向きな態度を示していたならば、ブラックベリーとアップルは、互いに切磋琢磨し合い、スマートフォンを再発明するような開発を2021年までに続けていたのだろうか。"

 The curse(呪い) of knowledge is that it closes our minds to what we don’t know. Good judgment depends on having the skills - and the will - to open our minds. I’m pretty confident that in life, thinking is increasingly important habit. Of course, I might be wrong. If I am, I will be quick to think again.

