
英語で学ぶ子育て⑮ 自分が変われば、子どもも変わる



" 自分のことを客観的に振り返れるようになる、失敗から学ぶ。"  子ども達は、そのようにして成長をしていきます。私たちも同様でしょう。本書(日本語版はこちら)にも、このように書かれています。

  If you want to bring forth(前方へ) grid in your child, first ask how much passion and perseverance you have for your own life goals. Then ask yourself how likely it is that your approach to parenting encourages your child to emulate(見倣う) you. If the answer to the first question is a ” a great deal(=かなり出来てるよ! (※dealの用法はこちら) ", and your answer to the second is " very likely " , you are already parenting for grit.



 Benjamin Bloom's and his team noted that same pattern in their studies of world class performers. Almost without exception, the supportive and demanding parents in Bloom's study were "models of the work ethic and that they are regarded as hard workers, they did their best in whatever they tried, they believed that work should come before play, and that one should work toward distant goals."
Further, most of the parents found it not natural to encourage their children to participate in their favored activities.


 It's not just mothers and fathers who lay the foundation for grit.  There's a larger ecosystem of adults that extends beyond the nuclear family. All of us are "parents" to young people other than our own child children in the sense that, collectively(集団で), we are responsible for " bringing forth" the next generation. In this role of supportive but demanding mentors to other people's children, we can have a huge impact.

  コロナ渦でも業績を伸ばしている、スタートアップ業界のカナダの雄 Shopifyの創業者 Tobi Lutke も、そんな親以外のメンターとの出会いを通じて、人生を大きく変えた一人です。

ドイツ生まれのカナダ人で、16歳で高校を中退したTobi には、一体どんなメンターとの出会いがあったのでしょうか。

 Technology entrepreneur Toby Lutke get is a grit paragon who had a such a mentor in his life. He dropped out of his German high school when he was 16 without any possible positive learning experiences. 


As an apprentice at an engineering company in his hometown, he met Jurgen, a programmer who worked in a small room in the basement. Tobi affectionately described Jurgen as " a long-haired , fifty-something, grizzled(白髪混じり) rocker who would have been right at home in any Hells Angels gang." Under his tutelage, Toby discovered that the learning disabilities he had been diagnosed with as a failing student did nothing to hamper(=妨げる) his progress as a computer programmer.

"Jurgenさんは、単に今できる課題を与えるだけでなく、以後10年に渡ってキャリアを磨く上での良い環境を創ってくれました。"と Tobiは当時を回想します。

 " Jurgen was a master teacher, " Tobi said. " He created an environment in which it wasn’t only possible but easy to move through 10 years of carrier development every year.


" Jurgenさんは、僕が自分の書いたコードに思い上がることなく、常によりよいコードがあることを教えてくれました。毎日のフィードバックは、僕にとってのギフト(かけがえのない贈り物)でした。"

 Each morning , Tobi would arrive at work to find a printout of the code he had written the day before, covered in red maker with comments, suggestions, and corrections. Jurgen was unsparing in pointing out specific ways Tobi’s work could be better. " This told me not to tangle(もつれる) my ego up in the code I write, " Tobi said.  " There are always to improve it and getting this feedback is a gift."

 ある日、JurgenさんはTobiに 自動車会社のGM(General Motors)向けのソフトウェアの業務を任せます。Tobiは、会社のお金で、人生で初めてのスーツを購入し、GM向けのプレゼンにのぞむ準備をします。TobiはJurgenさんがプレゼン当日のリードをしてくれるものと思っていましたが、GM訪問前日にJurgenさんは「今日俺、他の用事あるから、一人でよろしくね。」とサクッと言います。Tobiは一人で、無事プレゼンと製品インストールを成功させました。

One day, Jurgen asked Tobi to lead a software assignment for General Motors. The company gave Tobi extra money to buy his first suit for the presentation and installation. Tobi expected Jurgen to take all the taking , but the day before installation, Jurgen casually turned to Tobi and told him he had somewhere else to be. Tobi would be visiting General Motors alone. Full of trepidation, Toby went. The installation was a success.

 このようなパターンは繰り返されました。「Jurgenさんは、僕の Comfort zone (苦労することなく現在の自分で対処できるゾーン)"をよく把握しており、それよりも少し外側の業務を準備してくれていました。僕はトライ&エラーを繰り返して、それを乗り越えていきました。」


 " This pattern kept on repeating itself, " Tobi said. " Jurgen somehow knew the extent of my comfort zone and manufactured situations which were slightly outside it. I overcame them through trial and error, through doing… I succeeded it. Tobi went to found Shopify, a software company that powers tens of thousands of online stores and recently exceeded $100 million in revenue.

