
My Dream(私の夢)

I am Jigme Dorji

and I work at Seisa International High School Hachioji, Japan.


With a desire to explore and communicate with people from different cultures, I decided
to come to Japan looking for an opportunity to enhance my knowledge and skills by
immersing in a place with such advanced facilities and services as Japan. 


I was born and raised in Bhutan

-a very small country in between two giant countries
India and China. Coming from a very small developing country, I have always wanted
to see more, more places, cultures, countries and people.

私はブータンで生まれ育ちました -。ブータンは、インドと中国の2つの巨大な国の間にある非常に小さな国です。非常に小さな発展途上国から来た私は、もっと、もっと多くの場所、文化、国、人々を見たいといつも思っていました。

I started working with Seisa in 2019

and it has been a wonderful experience. It was
nice to interact with people from different backgrounds and experiences. Listening to
their life stories and experiences helped me dream to learn and explore more. As a kid
I imagined being a somebody in politics and helping to change the world. Today, I am in
the school in Hachioji, Japan and responding to “Jigme Sensei.” Teaching them about
country and culture. I am very fortunate to find something that excites me every day,
where I get to share my experiences to the students. It has helped me broaden my
horizons and gave me a wonderful opportunity to continue towards the original aims I
had while first coming to Japan.


In the short time that I've come to know about Seisa and Japan, I have come to believe
that nothing in life is impossible. I realized that I being away from home and
experiencing different things and facing hardships makes you more human with bigger
dreams. Finally, I want to share that I really wish for a continuing strong relationship
between Bhutan and Japan.


