
短編映画制作日記 #6 「多分脚本完成」 | Production Notes #6 " Probably finished the script"

The completion of the script was overdue. I spent a happy and agonizing year-end and New Year's holiday with Mr. Miyoshi, and the seventh draft was the final draft (probably. I'm sure there will be changes). Thanks to Mr. Miyoshi for his hard work. Finally, I gave the go-ahead to the assistant director and cinematographer, and started casting with the producer in earnest. The bench coats for the staff arrived. Basically, I don't do auditions. I basically don't audition, I just go by what people close to me have said, or what I've seen in commercials or movies, and make a direct offer. Of course, every time I do, I keep an eye out for supporting actors whose names are not yet well known, or whose performances I might overlook, and ask them to play the main roles. This time, too, the list of actors is such. Now, I hope that all of them will accept the offer. To be continued
