
Ep10 読書量5倍!? シンプルな方法   〜How to Read a book 5 Times More〜                 (英語スクリプト+日本語訳)


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<Theme Introduction>

 Today, we're talking about "How to Read a book 5 Times More."
 I'll share the way I picked books that made my reading time go up by five.



<Why Should You Listen to This Talk>

 Maybe you tried making reading a habit but got easily distracted right, and it was hard to read for a good amount of time.  I've experienced that too.
But, if you know how to pick the right books, your reading time will just naturally get longer.
 Before I get into that, let me tell you a quick story. 
I used to struggle to focus on reading for even 20 minutes, but now, on average, I read books for two hours a day.



<My Experience>

 Back in my first year of college, I heard successful people read books, so I decided to make reading a regular thing.
I bought books that seemed useful, like the famous "7 Habits" and "Rich Dad Poor Dad."
 But, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't stay focused. On good days, I could only manage 20 minutes of reading.
A year later, I found a book about "Choosing the Right Books," and it shocked me. That was the real reason why I struggled with reading.
 Once I understood that, I became a different person, focusing on reading. 
Within a year, I could read for an average of two hours a day.
So, what on the earth was the trick to picking the right books? 




 Here's the answer: "Pick books that help with what you're doing tomorrow."
Basically, choose books about the topic you're struggling with or want to get better at.
 For example, when I wanted to start doing this Podcast , I didn't know anything about audio broadcasting . 
So, I grabbed books to learn the basics, like what audio broadcasting is and how to make scripts.
 Those books gave me practical tips on writing, recording, and editing - things I could use right away.  It got me excited about reading and applying what I learned.
 If the books were too abstract like "7 Habits" or too high level for me like "Rich Dad and Poor Dad.", I would've lost interest.
So, before you grab a book, figure out what you're handling with or where you want to improve.  It could be anything -for example, losing weight, human relationship, or personal business, whatever. 
 Then, grab a book that gives you the knowledge on how to take action in that area.
 And just like that,you'll naturally find yourself reading books for longer. 
Easy, huh?


 それは、「明日からの行動に必ずつながる本を選ぶ」ことです。 具体的には、今自分が困っている、もしくは成長したい分野の本を選ぶことです。
そもそも音声配信とは何か、原稿を作るための文書作成の仕方等々を知るために本を選びました。 すると、原稿の書き方や収録・編集方法など、本の内容がすぐに行動につながる知識だったので、のめり込むように本を読み進めて行くことが出来ました。


 Today, we talked about "How to Read a book 5 Times More" and highlighted the idea of "picking books that related to you "
Maybe like me before, you're not super happy with how much you read.
 The important  thing is choosing the right books. For example, "The Courage to Be Disliked," a huge hit worldwide. 
 If you have no problem with human relationships or happiness stuff right now, even if it's a bestseller book, it might not be your favorite.
 But, if you're interested in  happiness or having work relationship problems, it could be a super interesting read.   Why? Because the book might give you knowledge that changes your actions, and finally, might change your real-life situations.
 Again, by grabbing books that link to what you're doing tomorrow, you can easily increase your reading time by five.


