Good-by to the Past to Yearning for AI coming from the empathy of #Kitty and #Doggy!by #Ellie Ogawa and #Hiroto Uchida

Good-by to the Past to Yearning for AI coming from the empathy
of #Kitty and #Doggy !by #Ellie Ogawa and #Hiroto Uchida

Attached music is "I get a kick out of you" from " First Place Again" and "You Go To My Head", "Blue Dove(La Palom Azul)" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" from "Paul Desmond & The Modern Jazz Quartet" and "Melody of Light and Wind" from "Un original" by Hisako Yoshikawa and "Fined the White Line - Inspiration on Birds" by Miggy Augmented Orchestra and Jun Nagano" Tipsy Tune" by #Trouvere Quartet with Minako Koyanagi and "Galaxy Highway " from "Un original" and Risa Ono "Passeio Nas Estrelas" from "Liberta" by #Hisako_Yoshikawa for Private Use Only.

Thanks to Ayako Shimazaki Mizuno for the Photo of the Garland as the Peace torch will be handed over the winner to winners.

All the copyrights are belonging to each affiliation office.

All the music copyrights are belonging to each affiliation office.

We should have beneficial content standing on the humanism to show the idea and object, where all the humans can share, for others with others and bring the world together with Sophia to eliminate conflict, aiming to co-existence and co-prosperity of multiplicity, where we should aim to achieve world peace with sustainable prosperity of all human on the earth.

And we should never mislead "bring the world together" in the direction of "totalitarianism" by hierarchy control using information hierarchy, which will be leading to "fascism" by supporting the social egos against democracy.

for Private Use Only
#文理融合 #リベラルアーツ #国際性 #理論と実践 #ソフィア文化芸術ネットワーク #アルペなんみんセンター #Sophia_University_Alumni_Association #Sophia #Upper_Wing_Thinking #ソフィア会 #SNSソフィア会 #法学部ソフィア会 #上智大学経鷲会 #理工学部ソフィア会 #地球環境学科同窓会 #鎌倉ソフィア会 #湘南ソフィアンズの会 #上智大学吹奏楽研究会 #上智大学吹奏楽団 #上智大学管弦楽団 #上智大学音楽協議会 #上翼思考 #叡智ヒエラルキー #上智 #ソフィア #上智大学ソフィア会 #宮嶋みぎわ #栂野理恵 #河野典子 #小川エリ #内田寛人 #二科会 #NIKA

