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Peruvian Cooking Classes

ペルーで連日セビーチェを食べ続けたので、セビーチェの作り方を一度しっかり習いたくなった。そこで2023年2月20日午前中、リマのミラ・フローレス地区にあるクッキングスタジオ「Peruvian Cooking Classes」でプライベート料理教室に参加した。

Peruvian Cooking Classesとエクトルさん

講師はHector Aguilar valle(エクトル・アギラール・バジェ)氏。彼は18歳でペルーを離れ、中南米諸国からアメリカ、フランス、スペイン、オーストラリアなどの高級レストランで働き、料理の腕を磨いた。そしてペルーに戻り、リマの人気ニッケイレストラン「Maido(マイド)」でシェフを努めた後、「Peruvian Cooking Classes」を開いたそう。



  • 鰹のセビーチェ

  • 鰹のセビーチェ・カリエンテ(温かいセビーチェ)

  • 海老と鶏、2種類のカウサ(マッシュポテト)

  • アヒ・デ・ガジーナ(鶏肉と黄色唐辛子のパン粥)

  • トロピカル・フルーツの盛り合わせ

  • ピスコサワー

  • パッションフルーツ味のピスコサワー


















































そしてセビーチェ・カリエンテ(温かいセビーチェ)。火を通した魚の温かいセビーチェは初めていただいた。ほんだしで下味を付けてからスモークした鰹は鰹の藁焼きを思わせる。そこにアヒ・アマリージョとレモンの旨辛いソースが絡み、実に美味い! これは鰹好きの日本人なら一発で大好きになるだろう!


エクトルは海老の殻や鰹のアラなどを使ってしっかり出汁を取るのに、そこに更にほんだしや味の素を加える。これは日本人にとっては奇妙に思える。折角、本物の魚で出汁を取ってるのに、そこにインスタント食品を加えるのはどうなの?と。しかし、南米は現代の日常と神話や魔術の世界が同居する、いわゆる「マジックリアリズム」の世界である。エクトルのこの調理法はそのマジックリアリズムを料理に実践していると思えば合点がいった。「グローバル企業が売り込んでくる商品さえ、我々はいとも簡単に自分たちの文化、そして胃袋に取り込んでしまうのだ!」というペルー人魂?というのは考えすぎか? 元マイドのシェフ、エクトルのペルー料理教室はそんな新しい発見が続いた楽しい4時間料理体験となった。


Peru 10: Learning to Make Ceviche at a Cooking Class


Peruvian Cooking Classes

After enjoying ceviche day after day in Peru, I became eager to properly learn how to make ceviche myself. Thus, on the morning of February 20, 2023, I participated in a private cooking class at the "Peruvian Cooking Classes" studio located in the Miraflores district of Lima.


The instructor, Hector Aguilar Valle, embarked on his culinary journey at the age of 18, leaving Peru to hone his skills in high-end restaurants across Latin America, the United States, France, Spain, and Australia. He later returned to Peru and, after a stint as chef at the popular Nikkei restaurant "Maido" in Lima, he founded "Peruvian Cooking Classes." Intrigued by his impressive resume found online, I opted for a private class to immerse myself in the culinary arts. The day's menu, as planned, included two types of ceviche among seven dishes, all taught directly by Hector himself.

The menu for the private cooking class on February 20, 2023

  • Bonito Ceviche

  • Bonito Ceviche Caliente (Warm Ceviche)

  • Shrimp and Chicken, two types of Causa (Mashed Potato)

  • Aji de Gallina (Chicken in Yellow Chili Pepper Sauce)

  • Assorted Tropical Fruits

  • Pisco Sour

  • Passion Fruit Pisco Sour

Given Hector's penchant for utilizing one ingredient or sauce in multiple dishes and the copious amount of food prepared, providing precise recipes proves challenging. Hence, approximate quantities for the bonito ceviche, ceviche caliente, and two types of pisco sours will be shared, accompanied by photos.

Bonito Ceviche

Ingredients (for a manageable quantity):

  • Bonito loin: 500g

  • Bonito bones: 300g

  • Lemons: in abundance

  • Purple onions: 2

  • Cilantro leaves: 1/2 cup

  • Aji limo (small and spicy red chili pepper)

  • Sweet potato: 1/2

  • Fanta Orange: 1 cup

  • Choclo (white corn): a bit

  • Ginger: 2 slices

  • Garlic: 2 cloves

  • Cilantro stems: a bit

  • Shrimp shells: a bit

  • Seaweed similar to Aka-moku: a bit

  • Salt: as needed

  • Hondashi powder: 1 teaspoon

  • Butter lettuce: a bit


  1. Squeeze a large amount of lemon juice. Slice one onion in half vertically, then into 1mm thin slices following the fibers; soak in saltwater. Chop cilantro leaves finely, and mince Aji limo after removing stems, seeds, and the white inner parts to a 2-3mm dice. Peel the sweet potato, cut into 1.5cm slices, place in a pot, and pour enough Fanta Orange to cover. Cook until tender, then cool to room temperature and store in the refrigerator. Boil choclo in salted water until tender and store in the refrigerator.

  2. Trim sinewy parts from the bonito loin and cut the flesh into 2cm cubes, then soak in saltwater.

  3. In a pot, combine bonito bones, one slice of ginger, one clove of garlic, a bit of cilantro stems, and one cup of water. Bring to a boil for 10 minutes, then strain into another pot to make fish soup.

  4. Blend the soup with one cup of ice, some coriander stems, half a chopped purple onion, one piece of ginger, one piece of garlic, and a slice of Aji limo. Strain, then blend again with the tough parts of the bonito and Hon-dashi powder until it becomes a milky liquid. Leche de Tigre is ready. Keep half for the hot bonito ceviche. Refrigerate until just before serving.

  5. Remove bonito from saltwater, pat dry, and mix in a bowl with saltwater-soaked onion slices, chopped cilantro leaves, minced Aji limo and 1/2cup of Lemon juice. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

  6. Just before serving, pour an appropriate amount of Leche de Tigre over the bonito, mix, and plate. Garnish with seaweed, boiled sweet potato, choclo, and butter lettuce.

Bonito Ceviche Caliente

Ingredients (for a manageable quantity):

  • Bonito fillet: 500g

  • Salt: as needed

  • Hon-dashi powder: 1 teaspoon

  • MSG: 1 teaspoon

  • Black pepper: as needed

  • Rocoto (a red chili pepper resembling red bell pepper): 1

  • Aji Amarillo (an orange chili pepper): 5

  • Leche de Tigre (refer to the ceviche recipe): 1 cup

  • Lemon juice: as needed

  • Coriander leaves: 1/2 cup

  • Banana leaves: as needed

  • Smoke chips: as needed


  1. Cut bonito loin into large 7cm x 4cm chunks, place in a bowl, and season generously with salt, hondashi powder, MSG, and black pepper.

  2. Char the rocoto directly on a gas stove until completely blackened, then steam in a bag for 10 minutes. Peel, deseed, and blend into a sauce with a bit of water.

  3. Remove seeds, stem, and inner fibers from Aji Amarillo, boil thrice to reduce spiciness, peel, and blend into a golden sauce with a bit of water.

  4. Combine the Rocoto sauce, Aji Amarillo sauce, reserved Leche de Tigre, lemon juice, salt, minced coriander leaves, and water in a pot, and reduce to half over heat.

  5. Lay banana leaves in a frying pan, arrange bonito chunks, and sear the surface with a torch until charred. Pour the sauce from step 4 over the bonito, place a small dish with ignited smoke chips in the center, cover with banana leaves, then cover the pan and smoke over low heat for 10 minutes.

Pisco Sour

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pisco: 120cc

  • Gum syrup: 40cc

  • Lemon juice: 40cc

  • Egg white: from 1 small egg

  • Ice: 4-5 cubes

  • Angostura bitters: a bit


  • Shake pisco, gum syrup, lemon juice, egg white, and ice well in a shaker. Pour into glasses and add a few drops of Angostura bitters.

Passion Fruit Pisco Sour

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pisco: 80cc

  • Gum syrup: 30cc

  • Passion fruit juice: 80cc

  • Egg white: from 1 small egg

  • Ice: 4-5 cubes

  • Angostura bitters: a bit


  • Shake pisco, gum syrup, passion fruit juice, egg white, and ice well in a shaker. Pour into glasses and add a few drops of Angostura bitters.

Is Magic Realism in Food Culture,too?

Let's enjoy the dishes we've prepared!
Starting with the bonito ceviche. The meticulously extracted Leche de Tigre's acidity and umami beautifully elevate the robust flavor of the bonito.
Next, the hot bonito ceviche (Caliente). This was my first time trying a warm ceviche. The bonito, seasoned with Hon-dashi and then smoked, reminded me of straw-grilled bonito. The addition of Aji Amarillo and lemon creates a deliciously spicy and savory sauce. Any bonito lover from Japan would instantly fall for this!

Hector uses shrimp shells and bonito bones to make a rich broth, to which he then adds Hon-dashi and MSG. To a Japanese person, this might seem odd. Why add instant products to a broth made from fresh fish? However, in South America, where contemporary life coexists with myth and magic, known as "magic realism," Hector's cooking method seemed to practice this culinary magic realism. "Even products pushed by global corporations are easily integrated into our culture and stomachs!"—perhaps that's a bit of Peruvian spirit? Or is that overthinking it? Either way, the cooking class with Hector was a fun 4-hour culinary experience full of new discoveries.
