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2023年2月15日午後、イキトス郊外のアマゾン川の支流に浮かぶ屋形船の宿Amazon Oasis Lodgeで、僕たちはピラルクやカビパラなどのアマゾン食材をふんだんに使ったランチをいただいた。お腹が落ち着くと、後は部屋でのんびりするくらいしかやることがなくなってしまった。


「近くにピラルクやワニの養殖場があるので、船に乗って見に行きませんか? アマゾンの動物を見られるだけでなく、アマゾンの食材を買うことが出来るんです」






ピラルクやワニの養殖場Fundo Pedrito訪問

反対岸に近づくと、ジャングルの中に細長いモーターボートが一艘停まっている艀が見えてきた。セサールに先導されボートを降りると「Fundo Pedrito(ペドリート養殖場)にようこそ!」と書かれた看板が立っていた。

アマゾン川を渡った向こう岸にFundo Pedritoがあった

セサール曰く、アマゾンの野生生物の保護施設を兼ねた養殖場とのこと。ジャングルを切り開いた広大な場所にいくつもの巨大な池が並んでいるのだ。1つ目の大きな池には巨大なタライに似た形の葉が浮いていた。日本の熱帯植物園でも見かけるアマゾン原産の植物、オオオニバスだ。それにしても葉が巨大、直径2m近くありそうだ。オオオニバスを近くで見ようと池に近づくと、それまで静かだった水面ににわかに泡が立ち始めた。小さな魚が数百尾もワラワラとざわめき、さざなみの中に時折、大きな目と鋭い口が覗く。うわ、ピラニアだ! 一尾は20cmほどの小さなピラニアだが、数百尾が集まるとかなり怖い。むやみに池に近づかないようにしようっと。


次の池は水辺に大きなもので体長2m、小さなもので体長70cmほどのワニが数匹、日向ぼっこをしていた。その横には体長40cmほどの亀が長い首だけ水面に上げていた。ワニと亀の養殖池か。先客の外国人観光客が魚の切り身を池に投げ込むと、水の中から十数匹のワニがワラワラと顔を出した。おお、一見静かに見える池でも、実は水面下に無数の動物が蠢いていたとは! もう宿の前の川で泳ぐの止めようっと。セサールによると、ワニは肉が食用で、亀は卵が食用なのだそう。どちらもあまり食欲がわかないなあ……。



そして、更に奥にある3つ目の大きな池には、池の真ん中にあるオンボロの四阿まで木の板で造った遊歩道が伸びていた。セサールは入口で買っておいた魚のぶつ切りを池の水面へと近づけた。すると、それまで静かだった池の表面にゆっくりとした波が立ち、人間よりもはるかに大きな魚が三尾、する〜っと近づいてきた。おお、これぞ先程、宿のランチでセビーチェにしていただいた、世界最大の淡水魚ピラルクではないか! 三尾が近くで交錯すると、水面に長い身体が浮かび上がってきた。オリーブグリーンの身体に鮮やかなオレンジ色をしたひし形の鱗、まるで地表に吹き出した溶岩のような凶悪な色合いだ。


セサールが魚のぶつ切りを池に落とすと、一番近くにいたピラルクがナマズのような頭を水面に出して、空中で魚をキャッチし、ボコっと巨大な水泡を立てて、池の中に戻っていった。その一瞬後、四阿にズンと衝撃が伝わり、床がグラっと揺れた。体長3m、体重50kgのピラルクの一撃、やべえ、次は僕たちが殺られる番かも? 適当なところでズラかろう。餌をもらえなかった残りのピラルク2尾はしばらく四阿の周りを泳いでいたが、何もないと察したのか、水の底へと戻っていった。


「楽しんでもらえましたか? 晩ごはんのおかずも買えたので、そろそろ宿に戻りましょう。そして次のミニツアーは明朝6時です。アマゾン川でピンクのイルカを見に行きましょう」

ピンクのイルカだって? 普通のイルカだって水族館でしか見たことないのに、ピンクのイルカなんて見られるはずないよ。でも、早朝のアマゾン川ボートトリップは楽しいに違いないし、参加しま〜す!












口笛を吹きながら回り続けること約10分、20mほど離れた川面に淡いピンク色でツルンとした動物の背びれが一瞬だけ見えた。おお、本当にピンクのイルカが顔を出した! その後はボートの右、左、後ろ、前と、ピンクのイルカは神出鬼没。人間を騙すのを楽しんでいるようだ。結構な距離があるのと動きが速いので、なかなか全身は見られないが、身体が本当に明るいピンク色をしている。円を描いてボートを走らせていると、別の明るい灰色をしたイルカが3匹、「ピャー、ピャー」と海鴎のような、猫のような高い鳴き声を発しながらボートに合わせて泳走してきた。くちばしが細く、オデコが丸くふくらんでいるのでアマゾンカワイルカだろう。

未確認生物UMAではない。ホントにピンクのイルカが現れた!Pink dolphins! ピンボケですみません

Peru 5: Amazon Fish Farms and Pink Dolphins

The Milky White Amazon River: A Celestial World

On the afternoon of February 15, 2023, at the Amazon Oasis Lodge, a houseboat lodge on a tributary of the Amazon River near Iquitos, we indulged in a lunch rich with Amazonian ingredients like pirarucu and capybara. Once our bellies were settled, there wasn't much to do except relax in our rooms.
My travel companions from The Herbmen, Jinpachi Mizuno stayed in his room to work on an article due for a Japanese editor, while Shankar Noguchi started tasting raw chili peppers he had bought in a market in Lima.
I decided to dive into the river in front of us and swim to the other bank. Given the river's depth of about 20m, I opted to wear a life jacket this time. After three round trips, Cesar, the lodge's manager, approached me with an offer.

"Would you like to take a boat to visit a nearby pirarucu and crocodile farm? You can also buy Amazonian ingredients."

Thrilled by the offer, we all hopped into the lodge's slender motorboat. Cesar steered us back onto the Momon River, then onto the Nanay River, passing under the massive Nanay Bridge we had crossed by car in the morning. Heading north with Iquitos in the far right, we smoothly entered the Amazon River's main flow. Contrasting the café au lait color of the Momon River, the Amazon River was almost milky white, reflecting the blue sky like a mirror. It was as surreal as the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia I had seen in photos. The celestial scene alone made the trip to the Amazon worthwhile.
Yet, it was astonishing to see how wide the river was so far upstream from Iquitos, taking a good 20 minutes on our motorboat before the opposite bank even became visible.

Visiting the Pirarucu and Crocodile Farm Fundo Pedrito

As we neared the opposite bank, we spotted a barge with a single long motorboat docked amidst the jungle. Disembarking, we were greeted by a sign: "Welcome to Fundo Pedrito!" according to Cesar, a fish farm that also serves as a conservation facility for Amazonian wildlife. A vast area carved out of the jungle held several large ponds. The first pond was covered with giant lily pads resembling huge trays, known as Victoria amazonica, originating from the Amazon. The leaves were enormous, almost 2m in diameter. As we approached to get a closer look at the lily pads, the previously calm water surface began to bubble, revealing hundreds of small fish and occasionally, the large eyes and sharp mouths of piranhas. The sight of hundreds of small, 20cm-long piranhas was quite intimidating. I decided to keep a safe distance from the pond.

The next pond had several crocodiles basking in the sun, ranging from 2m to smaller 70cm lengths, alongside turtles stretching their long necks out of the water. It appeared to be a crocodile and turtle farm. When another group of tourists threw fish slices into the pond, dozens of crocodiles emerged from the water. It was a stark reminder that beneath the serene surface, countless animals lurked. I decided to reconsider swimming in the river in front of our lodge. According to Cesar, the crocodiles are raised for their meat, and the turtles for their eggs, neither of which sounded particularly appetizing to me.

Encountering the World's Largest Freshwater Fish Pirarucu

Further on, we reached a third large pond with a walkway made of wooden planks leading to a shabby shelter in the middle. Cesar picked up a 1m long stick, skewered some fish chunks he had bought at the entrance, and slowly lowered it towards the water's surface. Suddenly, slow waves appeared, and fish much larger than a human glided towards us. It was the pirarucu, the same fish we had for lunch as ceviche at the lodge. As three of them intersected near the surface, their long bodies emerged, displaying their olive-green bodies and vivid orange scales, resembling lava erupting from the earth's surface.
As Cesar twitched the fish chunks, the nearest pirarucu lifted its catfish-like head out of the water, bit off the fish, and returned to the depths with a large splash, shaking the shelter. The impact was from a 3m long, 50kg pirarucu. It was an exhilarating moment, making us wonder if we'd be their next target. Deciding it was time to leave, the remaining two pirarucu lingered around the shelter for a while before disappearing back into the depths.

"Did you enjoy it? We've also bought some side dishes for dinner, so let's head back to the lodge. And the next mini-tour is at 6 a.m. tomorrow. Let's go see the pink dolphins in the Amazon River."

A pink dolphin? I've only seen normal dolphins in aquariums, but there's no way I'd ever see a pink dolphin. However, the early morning boat trip on the Amazon River must be fun, and I'm definitely going to take it!

The Long Nights of the Amazon

The nights along the Amazon River are long. Once the lodge's generator shuts off in the dead of night, all that remains is the light of the moon and stars, the distant lights of Iquitos city, and their reflections on the river's surface. Suddenly, the sounds of insects, birds, and animals from the forest, along with frogs and aquatic creatures from the river, which were presumably there during the day, begin to resound loudly, enveloping us in a dense presence of life.
Despite the accumulated exhaustion from late-night arrivals and early morning flights since leaving Japan, I quickly fell asleep in my bed. However, due to jet lag, I found myself awake before 4 a.m. I sat on the bench on the terrace in front of my room, enjoying the nocturnal noises of the Amazon.

Playing with Pink Dolphins in the Amazon River at Dawn

Before dawn at around 6 a.m., the Herbsmen group boarded Cesar's boat again. Exiting the Momon River to the Nanay River, we first stopped at a floating gas station for the boat to refuel before proceeding to the main flow of the Amazon River.
Cesar turned off the motorboat's engine in the middle of the Amazon River and started whistling "Pee-oo♪, Pee-oo♪" repeatedly before restarting the engine and beginning to circle the water surface.
After about 10 minutes of circling while whistling, a faint pink dorsal fin of an animal appeared briefly on the river surface about 20 meters away. Wow, a pink dolphin really showed up! To be honest, I hadn't actually expected to see one.
After that, the pink dolphins appeared from the right, left, behind, and in front of the boat, as if enjoying deceiving us. Despite the distance and their fast movements, making it hard to see their entire bodies, their skin was truly a bright pink color.
As we continued to circle in the boat, another three dolphins with a bright gray color started swimming alongside the boat, making high-pitched sounds like seagulls or cats. These must be Amazon River dolphins, identifiable by their slender beaks and bulbous foreheads.
We enjoyed the dolphins' antics for a while, but as the day brightened and boat traffic increased on the river, the dolphins, either disliking the rush or perhaps bored of playing, disappeared one by one. Now, let's head back to the lodge for breakfast.
