



English follows Japanese.


2021年12月27日、ガズィアンテプ滞在三日目の朝、バクラヴァ店『Elmacıpazarı Güllüoğlu(エルマジュパザル・ギュルオウル)』のムラットからメッセージが届いた。

「海外からバクラヴァの注文が沢山、もちろん日本からも注文が入ってしまい、連日忙しく、約束したバクラヴァ工場に案内できず申し訳ない。その代わり、私がこの街で一番好きなメイハネを紹介します。『Akınal Gar(アクナル・ガル)』というメイハネで、文字通りガズィアンテプの国鉄駅の構内にあるんです。今夜7時から2名で予約を入れておきます。私も時間があったら途中から伺います。お店を見つけにくいかもしれないけれど、本当に駅の中にありますから」






5分ほど歩いて広い駅前大通りに出たが、既に閉店している巨大ショッピングモールと中級ホテルや美術館があるくらいで、人っこ一人歩いていなかった。ここが街の中心のはずなのに、人々はどこにいるんだ? 駅前大通りを10分北上すると、だだっ広い駅前広場で、その正面奥が鉄道駅。近づくと、街灯こそ点いているが、辺りは誰一人歩いていない。無理も無い。ガズィアンテプ駅はかつてはシリアのアレッポやイラクのバグダードと繋がる国際的な交通の要衝だったが、シリアやイラクとの鉄道は廃止され、今ではローカル線が残っているだけ。夜に到着する電車なんて数が知れている。




オールドスクールなメイハネ「Akınal Gar」

おお、ここが「アクナル・ガル」だったのか! 本当に駅舎の中にあるとは! 一歩店内に入ると、天井は高いのにタバコの煙がケバブを焼く煙とともに立ちこめていた。え、建物内は禁煙のはずでは? BGMは古いトルコの歌謡曲、そして客は100%男性、しかも40代~60代の髭のオヤジばかりだ。なかなか渋いオールドスクールなメイハネだ。既に4~6人がけのテーブルが7つ、酒を酌み交わすオヤジたちで埋まり、僕たちは空いていた二人がけのテーブルに通された。


















ラクの小瓶が空いたので、2本目を注文した頃、メインディッシュのビベルリ・クイマ・ケバブが運ばれてきた。これは見た目からして美しい。仔羊の赤身と尾脂を包丁で丁寧に叩いてから、鉄串に貼り付け、表面に数種類の赤唐辛子粉を貼り付けてから、表面が焦げるまで焼いてある。まるで草加の唐辛子煎餅のケバブ版とでも形容しようか? 付け合わせの野菜がみじん切りのパセリと青ネギ、更に焼き青唐辛子と全て緑色というのも初めてだ。赤茶色のケバブに緑の野菜、この鮮やかなコントラストも素晴らしいじゃないか。


早速一口いただきます! おお、これは肉がジューシー、なおかつ仔羊の脂と焦げた唐辛子粉が混じって異次元の相性の良さ! 美味い!美味すぎる! イスタンブルにいてもケバブは十分に美味いが、この店は包丁で叩いた肉への愛情からして別格なのが伝わってくる。これはもしかして、人生最高のケバブかもしれない。コロナ禍の真っ最中にも関わらず、ケバブを求めてガズィアンテプまでやって来て本当に良かった!





「昨日は行けなくて申し訳ない。でも、素晴らしいメイハネだったでしょう? 実は駅や役所はあの店を駅舎から追い出したいらしいんだ。だから数年前から閉店の噂が立っている。僕も行く度にこれが最後の訪問になるかもと思っているんだ。でも、なぜか未だに開いているんだよね。もしかしたら閉店商法をやってるのかもしれない。ところでガズィアンテプらしい豪華な朝食はもう食べた? 街一番の朝食セットで知られる老舗のお菓子屋を紹介するよ。店主のムスタファは僕の幼馴染なんだ。この後、連絡先を送るから連絡すると良いよ」


Gaziantep 4: Blissful Kebab at a Meyhane Inside the Train Station

A Meyhane Inside the Train Station?

On the morning of December 27, 2021, the third day of my stay in Gaziantep, I received a message from Murat of the baklava shop "Elmacıpazarı Güllüoğlu."

"I'm sorry I can't show you around the baklava factory as promised due to the many orders from abroad, including Japan. Instead, I'd like to introduce you to my favorite meyhane in town. It's called 'Akınal Gar,' and it's literally inside the train station of Gaziantep. I've made a reservation for two at 7 PM tonight. If I have time, I'll join you later. The place might be hard to find, but it really is inside the station."

Interestingly, the Turkish language has many French-derived words. A museum is "müze," a hotel is "otel," a bus is "otobüs," and a railway station is "gar." By the way, "interesting" is "enteresan" which is also of French origin. Because it's inside the national railway station, it's called "gar." It's quite straightforward, even if it lacks a bit of flair. But if Murat recommends it, I'll be happy to go!

A Winter Night in New Town Gaziantep

Just before 7 PM on December 27, Gaziantep was already dark, with Gaziantep Castle illuminated before me. The temperature was around 5 degrees Celsius, and my breath was visible in the cold air. The train station is about 1 km northwest of the castle. Entering a narrow street from the roundabout around the castle, there were nearly ten modest kebab shops lined up on both sides, each with charcoal grills outside, emitting white smoke. The smell of meat grilling over charcoal was delightful, but the smoke covered the entire street, stinging my eyes. I knew the kebab wraps from these modest shops were delicious, but tonight was not the night for that. I hurried to the train station.

After a five-minute walk, I reached the wide main street in front of the station, which was deserted except for a huge shopping mall that had already closed, some mid-range hotels, and a museum. This should be the center of the city, but where were all the people?

After walking north for 10 minutes along the main street, I reached a vast plaza, with the train station at the far end. As I approached, the streetlights were on, but there was no one around. No wonder. Gaziantep Station used to be an international transportation hub connecting to Aleppo in Syria and Baghdad in Iraq, but the railways to Syria and Iraq were discontinued, leaving only local lines. There are very few trains arriving at night.

Inside the deserted station, there was only a large platform and a small station building, with no sign of a meyhane. The cold wind blew unimpeded through the platform, threatening to give me a cold. I decided to enter the station building and ask the night shift staff. Knocking on the plain wooden door of the drab ochre station building, a chubby man in a tie and vest opened it.

"Buyurun (welcome). You must be Murat from Güllüoğlu's friend."

Old-School Meyhane "Akınal Gar"

Oh, so this is "Akınal Gar"! It really was inside the station building! As I stepped inside, the high ceiling was filled with the smoke of cigarettes mingling with the smoke from grilling kebabs. Isn't smoking indoors supposed to be prohibited? The background music was old Turkish songs, and the customers were all men in their 40s to 60s with beards. It was a genuinely old-school meyhane. The seven tables for four to six people were already filled with men drinking together, and we were seated at a vacant table for two.

As befits an old-school meyhane, there was no written menu. You choose the mezze from the large counter in front of the kitchen, and the main course is decided in consultation with the waiter. The large rectangular stainless steel trays arranged in a loose curve at the counter contained today's dishes. Some, like vegetable mezze, pastes, olives, and cheese, were served as is, while others, like lamb brains, were cooked to order.

Gaziantep Five Mezzes

We ordered three cold mezze and two warm mezze. The first local dish I tried was "Zeytin Piyaz." Zeytin means olive. Piyaz, originally from Persian, means onion but in Turkey refers to a salad of white beans and onions. In this case, it was a salad of lightly pickled green olives with chopped walnuts and Italian parsley, seasoned with pomegranate molasses, sumac (a sour spice similar to Japanese yukari), and red chili powder. Lightly pickled green olives are a specialty of Southeastern Anatolia, with a refreshing taste different from ordinary green olives, so I always buy them at a grocery store in Istanbul before returning to Japan.

Due to its proximity to the Mediterranean, Mediterranean cuisine is also prominent in Gaziantep. "Deniz Börülcesi Turşusu" is pickled glasswort, flavored with lemon and garlic, a taste likely beloved by drinkers.

The third cold mezze was "Enginar Zeytinyağlı," artichokes stewed in olive oil. While this dish can be found throughout Turkey, it's something I always order when I visit a meyhane.

The first warm mezze was "Sucuklu Humus." Surprisingly, it was hummus cooked in a heat-resistant dish until bubbling, topped with spicy lamb sausage "sucuk," and generously drizzled with olive oil tempered with cinnamon powder and red chili powder "pul biber." Unlike the creamy hummus of Israel and Lebanon, Turkish hummus, which uses little tahini, is quite coarse, like okara, and I honestly don't like it much. However, when cooked until bubbling and topped with sucuk, it became a completely different dish. A warming dish from the inside out, I was glad I ordered it despite my preconceptions.

The other warm mezze recommended by the owner was "Patlıcan Böreği," a dish I had never seen before. Fresh cheese was placed on eggplants cut in half lengthwise, coated with batter, and fried like tempura. The combination of light, creamy cheese and fried eggplant was delicious!

The Best Kebab Experience of My Life

By the time we finished the first small bottle of rakı and ordered a second, the main dish, "Biberli Kıyma Kebab," was served. It was visually stunning. Minced lamb and tail fat were finely chopped with a knife, spread onto a skewer, coated with several types of red chili powder, and grilled until the surface was charred. It could be described as the kebab version of a chili senbei from Soka. The accompanying vegetables were finely chopped parsley, green onions, and grilled green peppers, all green, which was a first for me. The bright contrast between the reddish-brown kebab and green vegetables was also wonderful.

Taking a bite, the meat was juicy, and the combination of lamb fat and charred chili powder was out of this world! Delicious! Too delicious! Even in Istanbul, kebabs are quite good, but the love put into the knife-chopped meat at this restaurant was on another level. This might be the best kebab of my life. Despite the pandemic, I'm glad I came all the way to Gaziantep for kebab!

After opening the second small bottle of rakı and enjoying two complimentary fruit salads from the restaurant, I left the place fully satisfied after 9 PM.

The next day, I received a message from Murat.

"Sorry I couldn't make it yesterday. But wasn't it a great meyhane? Actually, the station and the authorities want to evict that place from the station building. So there have been rumors of its closure for several years. Every time I go, I think it might be my last visit. But somehow, it still remains open. Maybe they're using the threat of closure as a marketing tactic.

By the way, have you had a luxurious Gaziantep-style breakfast yet? Let me introduce you to an old confectionery shop known for the best breakfast set in town. The owner, Mustafa, is my childhood friend. I'll send you his contact information shortly."
