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クラクフ滞在初日の晩に訪れた『Amarylis』レストランのコースメニューとペアリングワイン体験で、ポーランドのナチュラルワインに断然興味が湧いた。それを通訳兼ガイドのクリス元大佐に伝えると、旧市街の北側にある市内最古の市場『スタレ・クレパシュ』の脇に建つ真新らしい小さなワインショップに案内された。その名も『Dzikie Wino(ジケ・ヴィノ)=野生のワイン』というナチュラルワイン専門店だった。

Dzikie Winoの店内。一本100ズウォチ前後(約3300円)




なるほど、ワイン生産は新しい動きなのか。しかし、ポーランドの寒冷な気候は葡萄の栽培に向かないのではないか? 世界的な気候変動の影響もあるのだろうか?







ポーランドでワイン産業が急速に人気を集めていたとは、ウォッカを追いかけるだけで精一杯だった前回2019年の訪問時にはまったく気づかなかった。せっかくならナチュラルワインのワイナリーを訪問出来ないだろうか? そこでワルシャワ在住の友人で元ポーランド広報文化センターのマルタ・カルシュ=アシダさんにメールで相談した。すると「クラクフ郊外にある『Winnica Wieliczka(ヴィエニチィカ・ワイナリー)』を訪れてはいかがですか? ウェブサイトによると、毎週土曜の午後はピクニックイベントをやっているようですから」とすぐに返事が来た。おお、ナイス情報! 一緒にいたクリス元大佐に伝えると、その場でワイナリーに連絡してくれ、翌日の土曜の午後にピクニックイベントに伺うこととなった。


ピクニックはどこ? クリス元大佐のホンダアコードを山の斜面に停めた



森に入ると、クリスさんは「こちらのほうが早いですよ」と言って、平らな広い道ではなく、山の尾根に向かう細い道を選んだ。山道を5分ほど登ると、正面に鉄条網が張り巡らされていて、それ以上先に進めない。そこからは鉄条網に沿って右方向に道なき道を進むしかなくなった。ピクニック会場に行くのに、こんなわかりにくい道のはずはない。大の大人2人が森で迷子になってしまったか? 汗だくになりながら10分ほど鉄条網に沿って進むと、尾根の端に到着し、鉄条網が途絶えた。広い道をたどり、尾根の反対側に出ると、目の前にパアッと谷が広がり、手前側の斜面に沿って谷底まで葡萄畑が広がっていた。広い尾根のところに大型のテントが張られ、十数人の先客が長い木のテーブルに陣取り、ワイン片手におしゃべりを楽しんでいた。テントの外にはBBQピットがあり、BBQの火の番をしていたオーナー夫婦の息子さんたちが英語で話しかけてきた。

「道に迷っていたのですか? 一番平らな道を歩いて来れば良かったのですよ」

やっぱり! クリスさんは元軍人だけに、森の中で人目に付く広い道よりも、細くて険しい小径を選ぶ習性があったのだ。失敗だった!








まずはシャルドネとソーヴィニョンブラン、ピノグリのブレンドの「キュヴェ・セラフ 2020」。白い花と洋梨の香り、ドライでミネラル感が強く、爽やかで繊細な味わいだ。

キュヴェ・セラフ 2020

次に「リースリング 2019」。桃とオレンジのフルーティーな香り、酸味と甘みのバランスが良い。








そして、エチケットの印刷が間に合わなかったという新酒の「メルロー・ロゼ 2021」。淡いピンク色で、イチゴやブラックカラントの甘い香りと爽やかな酸味だ。

最後に「ジャンタル 2020」。「アンバー=琥珀」という意味のオレンジワイン。無濾過のため透明度が低く、色は琥珀色というより黄色。杏、薔薇、そして生姜を感じる独特の香りだ。こちらはポーランドで初のオーガニックなオレンジワインで、ジョージアのワイン造りに用いられるのと似た大きな土器「クヴェヴリ」で熟成させている。これはアロマティックかつスパイシーで美味い! 一本買って帰ります。

ジャンタル 2020


ほろ酔い気分を満喫していると、開けた谷に沿って涼しい風が吹いてきて、酔いを適度に覚ましてくれる。BBQピットからは近所の養豚家が作ったソーセージを炭火で焼いた香りが漂ってくる。これならいつまでも飲めてしまう! ワイナリーに来たつもりが、ある種の理想郷にたどり着いてしまったような……。




クラクフの女性たちによるバチュレットパーティー。見て、このボトルの数! 飲む気満々! 

Polish Natural Wine Movement

Polish Natural Wine Shop in Krakow

On the first night of my stay in Krakow, my interest in Polish natural wines was piqued after experiencing a course menu and wine pairing at the Amarylis restaurant. When I told my interpreter and guide, former Colonel Chris, he took me to a brand new small wine shop next to the oldest market in the city, "Stare Klepash," located on the north side of the old town. The shop was called "Dzikie Wino = Wild Wine," a natural wine specialty store.

Upon entering the shop, I saw delicate lines of Polish northern trees painted on the pure white walls, with black wine racks lined up in between, and about a hundred wine bottles standing. At the back of the store, there was a white oak bar counter, and from behind it, the young shop owner, Mr. Mates, wearing a tight white shirt and tortoiseshell glasses, greeted me.

"Welcome to our Polish natural wine store. Wine production in Poland is a rather new movement since the 21st century. Currently, there are more than 400 wineries throughout the country. In this store, we stock 140 natural wines from 28 wineries."

I see, wine production is a new movement. But isn't Poland's cold climate unsuitable for grape cultivation? Is it also due to global climate change?

"Of course, the impact of global warming is significant. However, I think the main reason for the rapid increase in wineries is the change in laws related to winemaking."

In 2015, the Polish government enacted a law commonly called the "Wine Law" to support wine producers. This includes simplifying wine production permits, introducing quality standards, providing economic support to producers, and protecting production areas. As a result, Poland's wine industry has rapidly developed, producing a variety of wines, including natural wines.

"Furthermore, wineries are popular for investment. Even my father switched from tobacco farming to grape farming,"

At Dzikie Wino, I tried a glass of Pinot Gris orange wine, but I found a Blanc de Noirs sparkling wine from the winery "Kamil Barczentewicz" that I liked on the first night, so I bought the bottle.

I hadn't noticed the rapid rise in popularity of the wine industry in Poland when I visited in 2019, as I was busy chasing vodka. I wondered if I could visit a natural wine winery. So, I consulted with my friend Marta Karsz-Ashida, ex-member of Polish Institute in Japan, who lives in Warsaw. She immediately replied, "Why don't you visit 'Winnica Wieliczka (Wieliczka Winery)' in the suburbs of Krakow? According to their website, they have a picnic event every Saturday afternoon." Wow, great information! I told former Colonel Chris, who was with me, and he contacted the winery on the spot. We ended up attending the picnic event the next Saturday afternoon.

Weekend Picnic at a Glacier Valley Winery


On Saturday, July 2, 2022, at noon, the temperature was 22°C. The heatwave from the previous days had receded as if it were a lie, and typical of Polish refreshing summer weather had returned. Riding in a car driven by retired Colonel Chris, we took a short one-hour drive to the Winnica Wieliczka Winery, located about 20 kilometers southeast of Krakow. We found the winery building easily, but there was no one there. According to Chris, who had called ahead, the picnic venue was on the opposite side of the mountain, in the vineyards. We parked the car on the mountain slope and walked through the forest.

Upon entering the forest, Chris said, "This way is faster," and chose a narrow path heading towards the mountain ridge instead of a flat, wide road. After climbing the mountain path for about five minutes, we encountered a barbed wire fence, which prevented us from going any further. We had no choice but to follow the fence to the right along an unmarked path. There was no way the path to the picnic venue could be so obscure. Had two grown men gotten lost in the forest? Sweating profusely, we followed the fence for about ten minutes, eventually reaching the edge of the ridge where the fence ended. We followed a wide path and emerged on the opposite side of the ridge, where a valley spread out before us, with vineyards extending down the slope to the bottom of the valley. A large tent was set up on the wide ridge, and about a dozen early guests had taken their seats at long wooden tables, enjoying conversation with wine in hand. Outside the tent was a BBQ pit, and the owner's sons, who were tending the fire, spoke to us in English.

"Did you get lost? You should have taken the flattest path."

Of course! Chris, being a former military man, had a habit of choosing narrow, steep trails over wide, conspicuous paths in the forest. It was a mistake!

Upon entering the tent, the owner Agnieszka Rousseau greeted us with a slightly shy smile.

"This is a family-run winery that started nine years ago. We have 15 hectares of vineyards. We make natural wine from grapes cultivated using biodynamic farming methods."

Biodynamic farming is a type of natural farming proposed by anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th century. It is characterized by not using pesticides or chemical fertilizers, harmonizing with the movements of celestial bodies, and employing unique preparations similar to homeopathy. Since it doesn't use pesticides or chemical fertilizers, the labor required is several times more than conventional farming. Although its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven, wines made from grapes cultivated using this method are generally highly regarded. The global natural wine boom has also led to a surge in demand.

Natural Wine Tasting

One side of the tent is a counter lined with refrigerators and wine shelves, with wine by the glass starting at 10 zlotys, or about 330 yen. Let's start tasting right away!

First up is "Cuvée Seraf 2020," a blend of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Pinot Gris. It has a fragrance of white flowers and pears, a dry taste with a strong mineral sensation, and a refreshing and delicate flavor.

Next is "Riesling 2019." It has a fruity aroma of peaches and oranges, with a good balance of acidity and sweetness.

Natural wine labels tend to be more colorful, using pop illustrations or photographs, unlike traditional wine labels that focus on decorative text. However, the labels at this winery are all designed in monotone, with black text on white paper and a watercolor painting of an animal's bone, realistically depicted like a black and white photograph in the center.

"This valley was formed by glacial erosion during the Ice Age. Sometimes we find animal fossils when digging in the vineyards. So we put a picture of a fossilized mammoth tooth on the wine label. The mammoth fossils represent this land."

While the winery's history is only nine years old, the land itself has a history of more than 10,000 years dating back to the Ice Age – quite romantic indeed.

Next is "Chardonnay Late Harvest 2019." It has a scent of melon and notes of vanilla and butter. This is a complex and rich flavor created by aging late-harvest grapes in oak barrels. Delicious!

Then there's the new "Merlot Rosé 2021," which didn't have its label printed in time. It has a pale pink color, with a sweet aroma of strawberries and blackcurrants and a refreshing acidity.

Finally, "Jantar," an orange wine meaning "amber." Due to its unfiltered nature, it has low transparency and is more yellow than amber. It has a unique aroma of apricot, rose, and ginger. This is Poland's first organic orange wine, aged in large clay vessels called "qvevri," similar to those used in Georgian winemaking. This aromatic and spicy wine is delicious! I'll buy a bottle to take home.

From Pharmacist to Natural Wine Producer

As we enjoy the tipsy mood, a cool breeze blows along the open valley, sobering us up just enough. The smell of sausages made by a local pig farmer and grilled over charcoal wafts from the BBQ pit. We could drink here forever! It's as if we've arrived at a kind of utopia, rather than just visiting a winery.

"I used to be a pharmacist. But at some point, I got tired of my job, so I studied wine from scratch at the University of Montpellier in France and started this place nine years ago. I left behind my life full of pills and started making wine using biodynamic farming methods."

Agnieszka, who transitioned from being a believer in science to a practitioner of nature, must have had a tough time with the labor-intensive biodynamic farming. However, today, the Winnica Wieliczka Winery has become a popular winery that attracts attention from all over the country.
