



English follows Japanese.









生地が十分な大きさになると、それをのし台に広げ、四方の角を内側に折り込み、約50cm角の四角形にまとめた。その上にピスタチオパウダーをなんと大匙10杯もバサバサとふりかけ、更にカイマックも手づかみでボトボトと散らし、そして砂糖も大匙3杯! ギーもボトボトと塗りたくる。具材を全てのせると、再び四方の角を中心に向かって折り込み、具材が飛び出さないように重ねて蓋をする。約25cm角の正方形に仕上がったら、更に表面にギーをたっぷり塗ってから天パンにのせ、オーブンで焼き上げる。ムラット親方の一連の所作はピスタチオパウダーが輝くような黄緑色なのとあいまって、まるで日本の茶道のようにエレガントに見えた。








焼いたギーのミルキーかつスモーキーな香りが漂ってきたのと同時に、ウェイターがお盆にのせた四角いカトメルを運んできた。すでに腹はパンパンなのに、この香りは食欲を誘うなあ! 先ほどムスタファは「ガズィアンテプの朝食はまず目で楽しみ、次に舌、そしてお腹で楽しむ」と言っていたが、カトメルには「鼻で香りを楽しむ」を最初に付け加えるべきだろう。彼を紹介してくれた世界最古のバクラヴァ店の店主ムラットが「バクラヴァは五感全てをつかって楽しめる」と言っていたのを思い出した。




約6cm四方に四角く切ったカトメルを手に取り、熱々のまま口に入れると、生地がサクサクっと音を立てる。つづいてギーの香りが鼻腔を刺激する。そしてピスタチオとカイマックと砂糖の合わさった濃厚な甘さが舌に絡みつく。美味い! 美味すぎる! バクラヴァも美味しいが、カトメルはカイマックとピスタチオが熱々に溶け合っていて別の美味さだ。もはやお腹ははち切れそうだが、一切れたりと残すわけにいかない!



150種類も名物料理があったとは、たった四日の滞在じゃ足りなくて当然だ。ガズィアンテプ、次回は温かい季節に訪れたい! ちなみに2023年2月のトルコ・シリア大地震に際して、近隣の街が大きな被害を受けたのに対し、ガズィアンテプ市内は地盤が硬く、幸運なことに被害は最小限で済んだ。そしてバクラヴァ店「エルマジュパザル・ギュルオウル」の店主ムラットは2024年3月、東京ビッグサイトで開催された「FOODEX」に出店、来日し、東京を満喫して帰った。


Gaziantep 6: The Queen of Pistachio Sweets, Katmer

The Queen of Pistachio Sweets "Katmer" and Murat Usta

On December 28, 2021, we indulged in a luxurious breakfast with a total of 29 different dishes at the old confectionery shop "Orkide" in the new town of Gaziantep. Already stuffed, the owner, Mustafa, insisted we try their specialty pistachio dessert, katmer.

Katmer is a crepe-like dessert made by spreading a large, thin wheat dough with clarified butter (ghee), filling it with a generous amount of pistachio powder, clotted cream (kaymak), and sugar, folding it into a square, and baking it in an oven with more butter. If baklava is the king of pistachio desserts, katmer can rightfully be called the queen.

The kitchen in the back of the shop had gleaming white floors and stainless steel fixtures, spacious enough for a dozen people to work at once. On the right was a small kitchen dedicated to making katmer, with a glass partition in front. Beyond the glass, there was a rolling table made of natural stone, with shining bowls of pistachio powder, white kaymak, sugar, and golden ghee. A serious-looking man in his 50s, wearing a navy blue uniform, stood there. He was the katmer master, Murat Usta. Murat Usta generously coated his hands with ghee, took a ball of wheat dough, and spun it around using centrifugal force before slapping it onto the rolling table. It was a skill that would impress even a Neapolitan pizza master. After repeating this process slowly a few times, the dough spread to the size and thinness of a furoshiki (wrapping cloth). Once the dough was the right size, he spread it out on the rolling table, folded the edges inward to form a 50 cm square, and sprinkled about ten tablespoons of pistachio powder on top, followed by large dollops of kaymak and three tablespoons of sugar. He then spread ghee liberally on top. After placing all the ingredients, he folded the edges inward again to seal in the filling, forming a 25 cm square. Finally, he brushed more ghee on top, placed it on a baking tray, and baked it in the oven. The elegant process, with the bright green pistachio powder, was reminiscent of a Japanese tea ceremony. Returning to the table, which had been cleared of breakfast dishes, Mustafa brought a wooden tray with a 20 cm diameter thin pancake topped with a generous amount of pistachio powder.

"This is another specialty of our shop, batma kaymak. Half-baked thin pancake spread with kaymak, topped with either white sugar or honey as preferred, and finished with pistachio powder."

Batma kaymak was another dish I had never seen before. The people of Gaziantep have an overwhelming love for pistachios!

As the milky, smoky aroma of baked ghee wafted over, a waiter brought the square katmer on a tray. Even though I was already stuffed, the aroma was irresistible! Mustafa had said, "Gaziantep breakfast is first enjoyed with the eyes, then the tongue, and finally the stomach," but katmer should have "enjoyed with the nose" added first. I remembered Murat, the owner of the world's oldest baklava shop, saying that "Baklava can be enjoyed with all five senses." Next, enjoy the visual appeal. It resembled the Malaysian crepe "murtabak," but it was about 1 cm thick. The surface of the dough had a light golden brown color, with the bright green pistachio powder visible underneath the thin dough. Pistachios don't fade in color even when baked. The term "edible emerald" is no exaggeration! Taking a square piece about 6 cm, I put it in my mouth while it was still hot. The dough made a crispy sound, followed by the ghee aroma filling my nostrils. Then the rich sweetness of the pistachio, kaymak, and sugar coated my tongue. Delicious! Too delicious! While baklava is also delicious, katmer's melted kaymak and pistachios provide a different kind of deliciousness. My stomach was about to burst, but I couldn't leave a single piece uneaten!

Fully enjoying the "Edible Emerald"!

"We'll pack the rest in a box. It will still be delicious the next day. In my opinion, the reason Gaziantep was chosen for UNESCO's Creative Cities Network for Gastronomy is that this city has over 150 special local dishes, insists on homemade rather than ready-made ingredients, and both men and women enjoy cooking. Please let me know in advance when you visit Gaziantep next time. Let's go to the meyhane 'GAR' inside the station together!"

With 150 special dishes, it's no wonder four days wasn't enough. Gaziantep, I want to visit again in warmer weather! By the way, during the Turkey-Syria earthquake in February 2023, while nearby towns suffered severe damage, Gaziantep's solid ground meant the city was fortunately minimally affected. In March 2024, Murat, the owner of the baklava shop "Elmacıpazarı Güllüoğlu," participated in "FOODEX" at Tokyo Big Sight, enjoyed Tokyo, and then returned home.
