
【和訳】Sake Deep Dive: Kijoshu - We Put Sake in Your Sake(3)

Part 2 はこちら

Sake Deep Dive(Podcast)
Kijoshu - We Put Sake in Your Sake(2024年5月1日)

They've come up with something completely impossible to understand from anything other than knowing the inside story. So basically, there's a label and that I think people will have seen. It features, for example, a tanuki riding a motorcycle.
彼らは内部事情を知らない限り絶対に理解できないようなものを思いついた。基本的にはラベルがあり、人々はそれを見る。 例えば、バイクに乗ったタヌキが描かれている。

And the way that they arrived at the name that they're using for this label is the name "Kijo". If we use the characters for this sake, it means noble brewed. But that word "Kijo", if you use different characters, you can use, for example, the characters to mean to ride upon a machine, which is what sort of a slang term for riding a motorcycle.

So Kijoshu, change the characters, you've got, okay, it's motorcycle riding sake. And then they turn that into English and called it "ride". So the initial, the very first sake released under the ride label was a Kijoshu brew without using that trademarked name. I hope that made sense.
つまり、キジョウシュ、字を変えると、バイクに乗るための酒ということになる。そして、それを英語に直して、"ride" と呼んだ。つまり、その "ride" ラベルで最初に発売された日本酒は、商標登録された名前を使わない貴醸酒(騎乗酒)だった。お分かりいただけただろうか。(酒井酒造(五橋) )

Yeah, it made perfect sense. It's very, very cryptic.

Yes, there's a lot of cryptic stuff going on there.

Yeah, unlike you're hinting about the brewer that you're talking about, I'm sure it won't take our listeners very long to figure out which one you're talking about. But, you know, hey-ho, so yeah, that's another one. So that's four possible ones.

And that's just, I'll be honest, that was just a quick search that I did and came up and found those three. And then that's a fourth one. So yeah, it's not ideal for a segment of the industry to be that complicated for consumers.

Unless we just say, who cares about the brewing process, it matters. What matters is what's in the bottle and just drink it, which is also fine. That's a good outlook to have.

But unfortunately, I don't think that's going to quite cut it in Japan where they like to know information about things and they like to know these technical things and stuff. So yeah, a bit confusing for consumers, I think. So yeah, that is for the very simple reason why I don't like these trademarks.
・not cut it:無理だ、通らない

I like everything I've heard about Enoki Shuzo, but I'm not sure I agree with charging to have a name specific, considering it's one that they didn't create this. They were the first people to brew it, but they were not the people that made it, unless I've got that wrong. The person that came up with this is a Dr. Shin Sato of the National Tax Agency who was working for the Brewing Research Institute, so that is who came up with this.

I'm looking at the report that they put out, and Enoki is not a name on that report, so I mean, yeah. Yeah, as far as I know, even from what I heard, they were just the first brewery to sort of decide to make a commercial product.

Yeah, I should say I absolutely love their sake. It's fantastic.

It's good stuff, yeah.

Yeah, like I said, I mean, it's kind of crazy when sometimes you take it for granted living in Japan. I lived in a very small town on the Seto Inland, the coast of the Seto Inland Sea in Hiroshima, a place called Akitsu, and they had in this really small local supermarket, they had Enoki Shuzo's three-year-aged Kijoshu, and it was just sat on the shelf next to your Gekkeikan and stuff. And I looked at it for about six months, and I looked at the bottle getting dusty.

And I thought, why is no one buying this stuff? It's crazy to see sake of that quality in a supermarket. And when I bought it, it's just, it's an incredible sake, it's just moreish. It's the definition of moreish. So I am a big fan of the brewery, but less so of the trademarking bit.
そして思ったことは、なぜ誰もこれを買わないのだろうと。 スーパーでこれほど高品質の日本酒を見かけるのはおかしなことだ。 そして、実際に購入してみると、これは本当に素晴らしいお酒で、つい飲み続けてしまう(moreish)。 まさに "moreish" という表現がぴったりだ。 私はこの酒蔵の大ファンだ。けれど、商標登録についてはその限りではない。
・less so:それほどではない

Yeah, it's just sort of the way it goes. Now, I have sort of questions because I know that you have helped to brew this before. And one thing that I wonder about it is, is it difficult to maintain? Like, I know that one of the big challenges with any sake is making sure that the yeast stays healthy until, you know, you're ready to press. But it feels to me like adding sake during that process would make it difficult for the yeast to stay healthy. Am I right or am I overthinking it?
まあ、そういうものだ。以前、貴醸酒造りに携わったことがある君に、いくつか質問したい。ひとつ気になるのは、維持するのは難しくないか? というのも、酒造りにおける大きな課題の一つは、搾る準備ができるまで酵母を健全な状態に保つことだろう。しかし、そのプロセスで日本酒を加えることは、酵母を健全な状態に保つことを難しくする気がする。これは私の考えすぎか?

No, I don't think so. So yeah, I did make Kijoshu for two seasons. This was, I have to say, a brilliant idea from our Toji Imada-san.
・I have to say:正直に言って

She worked for a Hiroshima Toji, a very experienced man from, he'd worked at Kamotsuru for about 30 years. And then he went to work at Imada Shuzo Honten and that was where he retired. And I think Imada-san probably worked for him for about five years, maybe less than that.

And we had sake that was brewed by him for the Kampyokai, this is the, whatever, however you translate it, the new sake awards, there you go. These translations are coming thick and fast tonight.
・thick and fast:次々と

And so he'd made the sake, it's competition grade sake. And back when he would have made it, people didn't want to drink highly aromatic ginjo or stuff like that. They didn't even know what it was most of the time.

They wanted to drink your more food friendly brews. So, Imada Shuzo had quite a lot of this stuff left over because they weren't selling it. They were giving it away to important customers and the likes, but they didn't have an avenue for selling this stuff.

And it had just been sat there for however many decades. And Imada-san came up with the idea of making a sake that two brewers from two different generations had made, kind of a passing of the torch, if you will. So we used this really expensive, priceless almost, koshu, and we used that as the addition.
・passing of the torch:トーチをつなぐ、バトンを渡す

And we did that as, I guess, what most people are doing. I can't comment for other breweries, but we added, instead of adding 100% water during the three stage of the three stage mashing, we replaced some of that brewing water with this koshu, and what we came up with was a very, it was a very rich, very, but very elegant, clean, easy drinking, and not as cloying. But from, to answer your question, sorry it takes so long to get there.

No worries.

I don't think Imada-san had any massive issues with it. But she, the honest answer to that is, I wasn't involved in that part of it in terms of the fermentation. I did the brewing, I did the moto, but I didn't do the, handle the main fermentation. That was her.

But she's quite well prepared when she does these things. So I think she probably had a handle on it, and that's why both times they came out completely different, but we knew that because we were adding different koshu, but they were both, the brewing process was finished smoothly.

Okay. Thanks very much.

(Part 3 ここまで)

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