
英語学習日記 #36 "The Art of Impossible"

・intrinsic psychological driver(内発的動機)とextrinsic psychological driver(外発的動機)




The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler
- A Peak Performance Primer -



All psychological drivers are divided into one of two categories: extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic drivers are things like money, fame, food, and sex. They’re external to ourselves, and we chase them to win the evolutionary survival game. Intrinsic drivers, on the other hand, are within us. They’re psychological and emotional concepts like curiosity, passion, meaning, and purpose.

intrinsic psychological driver(内発的動機): 好奇心、情熱、意義など。

extrinsic psychological driver(外発的動機): 金、名声、美食、セックスなど。

Psychological research tells us that extrinsic drivers only motivate us to a certain extent. They get weaker once we have enough money to pay for food, clothing, and shelter. After we’ve met these basic needs, it’s the intrinsic motivators that take over. It’s those intrinsic drivers we’ll be focusing on in these blinks.


Finally, it’s time for the last two intrinsic motivators: autonomy and mastery. Autonomy simply means the freedom to pursue your purpose. To cultivate it, try carving out at least 15 percent of the day just for yourself. This will help increase your motivation.



One way to cultivate grit is to work around your natural energy levels. Willpower is a major aspect of grit, and it deteriorates throughout the day. So schedule your most difficult daily task for the morning, when your energy is at its peak. Then, continue your tasks in order of descending importance.


A growth mindset is the belief that talent isn’t simply innate but can be cultivated through practice. Brain scans taken by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck show the benefits of thinking this way. When faced with a hard problem, Dweck found that the brains of people with growth mindsets lit up and became highly active. By contrast, the brains of people who didn’t believe their abilities could improve completely shut down –⁠ in other words, those people didn’t think they could ever solve the problem, so their brains didn’t even try.

growth mindset: 才能は生得的なものではなく、経験によって培うことができる、という考え方。

growth mindsetというキーワードは、以前のBlinkにも度々登場していますが、今回の定義が一番わかりやすかったです。

Bad moods lead to analytical thought. That makes sense because when you feel threatened or scared, your brain wants to search for what’s familiar. It makes a beeline for the path of action it knows will work.

But when you’re in a good mood, the opposite is true. You don’t feel threatened, and your mind is free to wander. It can switch between the attention and imagination networks. This allows you to pay attention to new, different, maybe slightly weird possibilities –⁠ and then act on them.



But a good mood isn’t the only contributor to creativity. Solitude and space are also important. A 2012 study at the University of Utah found that four days alone in nature gave participants a 50 percent boost on standard tests of creativity. So crawl out from under your desk and be sure to schedule yourself a broad stretch of free time to let your creativity flow.



自然が集中力を回復させてくれること(attention restoration theory: 注意回復理論)については、第5回の英語学習日記でまとめています↓


There are no two ways about it[used to show that you are certain about sth]

in tandem[a thing that works or happens in tandem with sth else works together with it or happens at the same time as it]

make a beeline for[to go straight towards sth/sb as quickly as you can]

the upshot[the final result of a series of events]


今日英英辞典で調べた単語・表現は次の36個です!ここに書いてある単語 = 今日初めて見た単語 というわけではなく、前から知っている単語も意識的に調べて、例文を音読したり、自分が知っている意味以外での用例を確認したりしています。





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