
KEFIR (English Ver.)

Since I have gotten pimples in summer of 2019. Recently, it is calming down than before. One reason is intestinal environment microbiome. My boyfriend always saying to me I'm pretty sure you have problem inside your body, what are you eat what are you getting inside." I also thinking too. However, when I was in Japan I was trying to eat many vegetable. Avoiding frying food like fast food. I had very big and an abundance pimples. Many course crossing my head, stressful, age, my skin quality and type, food, sleep and temperature. 

In Canada's Supermarket which they has a lot of Organic Products. I was wondering, "what is KEFIR?" Looks yoghurt. I took KEFIR, and read. It said "Probiotic". I have knowledge about Probiotic that is works to clean for Intestinal environment microbiome. I was interested, When I came back here(Canada) we went to Health Product store. The store suggested me supplement. Try the lowest quantity, after 3 month you can increase the quantity. It was approximately $45 each. Sounds expensive for me. Anyway, I have to try new things to change my pimples. I was using maybe 3 months. I stopped because I was started to use pills. 

Just in case, I google it before I buy.

It is hight in nutritional value and has a large number of probiotics. 
Including bacteria and yeast, and promotes intestinal health. KEFIR can not be sold in Japan like yogurt. The reason is every product must not have hole. KEFIR has yeast which makes alcoholic fermentation and carbon dioxide after that the container will swells. So they have small hole to prevent explosion in Europe. But, In Japanese law it can't make hole that's why it can't sell. That's why.
The taste like yogurt, more sour. 

By the way.  Let's start again. I wanna try it again for new way. I was drinking half cup each day. I was not feel strange to drink, indeed similar to yogurt more sour taste.  I was not sure if this KEFIR cause or not, I had felt strange in my stomach.My symptom were bloated my stomach, had gas same symptom to IBS. "Oh, I don't like this symptom when I have it. Humm…"
But, today's I had a bowel movement good one!! I felt very well.
I will continue to drink KEFIR. Will see if it works.

 Thank you so much for reading.

the photo from
