



2021年最後に日です。 今年は、就活、卒論、アルバイトと沢山の経験をしました。就活では、始めるのが遅かったのもあって、非常に苦労しました。でも、希望の会社に内定したので満足です。 卒論も悩まされました。なかなか書き進められない時もあり、ギリギリの提出になってしまいましたが、なんとか自力で書くことができました。 なと言ってもアルバイトで充実した日々を送れたと思います。スポーツジムの暑バイトと並行してサッカースクールのアルバイトをやりました。小学校から始めたサッカーですが

    • 再開

      何を書けばいいのか分からない。 久し振りにnoteを開いてみて、今日から何かを書こうと思い立ったのは良いが、何をどのように書いたら良いのかさっぱり分からない。今日が提出期限だった大学の卒論を昨日書きおわり、最近毎日追われるような気持ちでストレスになっていたものが無くなった。今週中はその解放感に溢れるんだろうが、それにも徐々に慣れてきて物足りなくなるんだろう。今日はとりあえず、ずっと観たかった映画を見ようと思う。 昨日アルバイトで携わっているサッカースクールでトップチームの

      • 6/11/2020

        I haven't uploaded for a long time. I have a good news and a bad news. The good news is that after I came back to Japan, there were days when I couldn't fall asleep. My condition was getting worse. Even now, I can't fall asleep sometimes.

        • 3/17/2020

          I woke up late in the morning. I didn't want anything to eat, but a half of Sandwich half eaten was remained, and I had it. I felt tired when I woke up this morning, probably because I smoked puff bars yesterday. I should stop getting nico


          Yesterday, I went to a bar, cheerful tortoise, with Kosuke. I talked about our ways of thinking about life. I recognized some ways of thinking which I hadn't recognized. I like to know how friends think. Though it sounds a little weird, it'


          I woke up around 10am. I had scrambled egg, bread and banana at breakfast. I did a synopsis assignment for my history class. I went to the professor's office hour to ask her check the synopsis. She praised me that I am getting better. I wa


          I woke up at 9am. When breakfast, I had scrambled egg, Spanish scrambled egg and two pancakes. Of course, I had the pancakes with maple syrup. By the way, I had the Glen's crass, I cleaned a plate quickly. In the class, four my classmates


          Today, I woke up around 10 am. It was a little bit late for me. I wanted to wake up earlier, but it's OK! Soon after I woke up, I went to MealPlan. I ate pretty much meals and cookies. Cookie is always delicious. I love cookie. Yesterday,


          Today was not so good. Because I woke up earlier in morning than ordinary day, and I went to MealPlan with Yuta. I forgot what we talked. Then, it never occurred to me that I would be down in the evening. After I came back to my room, I st


          Today was free day. That's because I skipped my class and I studied myself a little bit. After that, I went window-shopping, it was very fun. I saw a lot of hoodies which are so good that I could not decide which hoodie to buy. In the end,


          When I woke up this morning, I felt really tired. I've gone to the gym everyday since last Thursday. that's why I was tired. Before going to the Glen's class, I smoked cigarets with Yuta. It was good time, but I should've gone to the class

          this week

          I had a good week. I had a dating with a girl on Monday and once became a boyfriend. But today broke up.haha I know my problem. I come up with four problems. One is my English. I must improve my English more and more and more and more.

          start my daily

          To begin with, I start to my daily. I read my friend's note today. I felt something to read his note, but I'm not sure what is "something". But, anyway, writing is good thing to grow myself. I met him five years ago at soccer club. I thou