
高等遊民 if not 高等難民


高等遊民 if not 高等難民


Geometry / Γεωμετρία / ज्यामिति / Երկրաչափություն 幾何学

I love geometry #幾何学 in general. It's a vast theme, and there's no way to provide a decent explanation on this theme in a brief article. Marcel Berger's book on Riemannian geometry entitled "A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry" has over

    • Matsuo Bashō 松尾芭蕉 and cicadas 蝉

      The year 2024 will go down in history as the first major outbreak of periodic cicadas in USA in 221 years owing to simultaneous emerge of 13-year and 17-year broods (#素数 蝉): And the last time these two broods emerged together, it was 1803

      • Computo, ergo sum

        I came across the following 12 digit number: Before proceeding, the header image is from the following site: https://www.famousscientists.org/rene-descartes/ Unfortunately I'm unable to recollect how I encountered this number, most likely

        • 666←PPP←RRR

          The subject is the number everyone hates (or loves)...but I have no doubt that there are countless articles on this particular number #数字 #666. This is a rather recreational article with very little theory except for a reference to a prima

        Geometry / Γεωμετρία / ज्यामिति / Երկրաչափություն 幾何学

          37 ३७

          It is often heard that 37 is the most common choice when people are asked to choose a 2-digit random number, but let me clearly mention that this article does not contain the faintest flavor of numerology #数秘 though it is full of numbers #数

          Numbers & Numerals

          I've learned that there are many articles which talk about numerals (number symbols) 数字 in note community such as Thinking about the meaning of numbers… 数字の意味を考える。その心とは… Attachment to Numbers 数字への愛着 Cursed by the numbers 数字に呪われている whate

          Numbers & Numerals

          Big Numbers, NOT Big Data

          Continued from my post in X (Twitter): Around 10+ years ago, Big Data became very popular in IT industry, which I thought would accelerate AI. It also brought a new word "Data Scientist", which I am far from being, but the sound of that wo

          Big Numbers, NOT Big Data


          I am not a religious person. Although I love paying visits to Shintō shrines (and also Buddhist temples but less often), my interest probably comes from a different perspective looking at them as structures. I love churches, synagogues and


          Remote islands

          As I wrote in my post in X (Twitter), I had a vague interest in remote islands such as Îles Kerguelen (a part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands). Back in 2016 while planning my trip to Rapa Nui / Isla de Pascua (Easter Island) in


          Suddenly, a memory from about 30 years ago came back to me. In 1993, the small company whose HQ was located in Massachusetts I had been working for since November 1988 promoted me to a technical manager responsible for the entire Asia Pacif

          Working experience in an Israeli company

          "The Prague Cemetery" by Umberto Eco contains the following statement by Édouard Drumont in p.436: "What we found most repugnant is the peculiar accent that characterises Jewish speech. Our ears are particularly irritated by sharp, hissing,

          Working experience in an Israeli company

          Jugendtraum - Back to studying mathematics

          First of all, I am not a professional mathematician, so what follows is just gibberish by a person who failed to follow the path of the mathematician. As I briefly mentioned in my first article without any detail, I studied mathematics at

          Jugendtraum - Back to studying mathematics

          Satsuma-Ōkuchi Station (薩摩大口駅)

          In February 1971 my mother suggested that I would travel to Ōkuchi City (大口市), now Isa CIty (伊佐市), Kagoshima Prefecture, in order to meet her elder sister who lived there. I was at the first grade of a junior high school attached to a state

          Satsuma-Ōkuchi Station (薩摩大口駅)

          My memory of Tachikawa (立川) where I was born

          First of all, I don't have any intention to write a novel. I should clearly mention that I am not qualified. Now that my life gets shorter, I have decided to keep a record my life. It was probably 60 years ago when I saw Japanese women occ

          My memory of Tachikawa (立川) where I was born

          As life gets shorter

          Several topics on which I wish to write... My memory of Tachikawa (立川) where I was born When I traveled around the world (mainly in middle east and eastern Europe) before the fall of the Berlin Wall An experience of working in an Israel

          As life gets shorter