
自分の力を発揮するとは?〜新入社員中村との対話〜What does it mean to perform to the fullest extent of your abilities? ~A dialogue with our new crewmate, Keisuke.~

最近Yahoo株式会社に倣って、1 on 1というものを会社で始めました。

1 on 1は名の通り、1対1で行う対話の時間です。

私が最近Waya, Yuyuから離れて、札幌以外での活動が多くなったため、クルーとじっくり時間をとって、話す時間がなくなったため、制度として時間を設けることにしました。


1 on 1は私が、クルーの現状や進捗を把握するための時間ではありません。





私が1 on 1を行う意図は、「普段共有できない、仕事とプライベートの狭間を共有できる大切な時間」を設けることにあります。









先日1 on 1で新入社員中村との30分間の対話の時間がありました。


その時の対話で中村が、「この人たち面白うそう!」と思ってくれたらしく、出会って次の日から、Waya 1階部分の改築を一緒に行うことになりました。











































What does it mean to perform to the fullest extent of your abilities? ~A dialogue with our new crewmate, Keisuke.~

I started having 1 on 1 meetings with the members of my company (to be referred to as my “crewmates” from here on out), an idea modeled after the Yahoo Company.

Recently, I’ve been traveling to many places on business, so I’m not usually around the hostels. I made this 1 on 1 system in order to ensure I have time to speak with each one of my crewmates.

It isn’t a meeting where we just catch up on whats been happening lately.
Rather, the intention is to provide an open forum for them to say whatever is on their mind, whether it may relate to business or something more private.
The owners of a company often give off an air of being too busy to be bothered in a given moment, myself included. This can result in an atmosphere in which my crewmates feel they would be wasting my time with a question they have.

Thus I decided to create private time for each of my individual crewmates, once every 3 weeks, in which they have a space to talk about whatever they want to.

The purpose of these 1 on 1 meetings is to give crewmates a chance to talk about anything, work or private.
I don’t want to neglect my relationships with my crewmates, because I see them as members of my family, rather than just people that I work with.
Our goal is to change the world with friendship, and so it is important to first do this from within the company.
I want to create a company where we all members are thriving in both our business and in their private lives.

The other day, one crewmate told me that I’m like a cousin to them, lol. I was happy to hear it. As a cousin, I can talk to them as equals and they can feel comfortable sharing whatever they want to with me.
I think any company could benefit from a person who plays this “cousin” role.

To get back to the main point of this blog entry, I did a 1 on 1 with Keisuke for 30 minutes recently.
Back in university, he rode his bicycle around the entirety of Japan (10000 km), and happened upon Waya about halfway into his trip.
We talked for a bit, and he found that he was interested in working with us for a bit, so he stuck around for a month to help us build the Waya bar.

A year and a half after we met, he joined our company as the 10th member of the crew. He was born in Kyushu, which is far from Hokkaido. He didn’t know much about what it would be like to live out here, but he came over without hesitation.
I appreciate his decision and his confidence in us.

The theme that he decided for our 1 on 1 was, in a word, “connection.”
More specifically, it was about creating something new through human connection.
We talked about it in depth.
Keisuke is a bit of a genius when it comes to entertaining people and/or creating a lively atmosphere. He is our event coordinator.
I don’t ever have to worry about the atmosphere at Waya or Yuyu because of his presence.

He told me, “If I can’t first perform to the fullest extent of my abilities, then I can’t expect to put together enjoyable events.”
I wondered what he might have even meant by saying “perform to the fullest extent of my abilities.”
To put it simply, I suppose it means taking what you do well, and doing it at the highest level. In Keisuke’s case, it is his ability to create a lively environment. I think that many of our crewmates have specific abilities that they excel at, but even amongst them, he is particularly good at taking his own ability to the fullest extent.

The aforementioned pushing yourself to your own limits in your area of specialization is one way to perform your abilities to the fullest extent. The other, is to help others to draw that same power out of themselves. It is easier said than done.

For example, let’s take the idea of putting together an event. When we do so, we often come across a scenario in which we have a person who we find interesting, and who we want to do an event together with, but we find it difficult to do so because of our experiences and skills are not up to par. In a sense, we think of them as out of our league (this happens more often than you’d think).

This being the case, we end up thinking that we may not be able to find a way to work with them. This thought process is what leads to wasted opportunities.
To deal with this issue, we have to put ourselves in their shoes for a bit; just think to ourselves, “If I were him/her, what would I want?”

What do I want? What am I looking for?
A good time? New friends? A place where I can promote/share what I’ve been doing?

There are many ways to provide a mutually beneficial experience.
When putting together the event, you do your best to gather a crowd that is suitable to the person you want to work with. A room filled with a considerable amount of people that have the same values as the speaker is where the magic happens.

You just offer a good atmosphere and theme that speaker would be eager to talk about and letting him/her exhibit his/her ability at most.
This is definitely one of the way exhibiting an ability for you.
I think we can say perfect if you design good environment and set the theme that a speaker would be eager to talk about and gather people who have same values with speakers.

You’ve created a good atmosphere, and you’ve provided the speaker with a forum for their message and the crowd with a theme they are interested in. The speaker can now perform to the fullest extent of their abilities.

It is hard to perform at the best of your ability, but it is even harder to find a way to help people perform at theirs. However, if you can gain the ability to do both, you will be left with 2 different methods of achieving what many people spend significant mounts of time striving for. In that case, you will become an overall more versatile person, with a wider range of skills and higher potential.

I’m excited to see how much Keisuke grows.
I also have to push myself to perform to the fullest extent of my own abilities, in both ways.
