
Arc de Triomphe

Thinking of the distant past
Rarely do I suddenly feel

That I have done my best
I have been loved
I had a good time

After many nights of tears
I am standing here like this

Looking at the changing cityscape
I look at the children laughing just like I once did

I realize that time is passing by
I am moved by the obvious

I'm sure there will be more nights of tears

There will be times when I want to throw everything away and retreat

But I will not run away
I will always come back here

To the place where I have to face

I will not run away from what really matters
Because I am a strong man

I am writing my work today
To create a place to which I can return

To rest and nourish my wings,
I also return to the real world

Hang in there, you're shining.
You're looking bright. Not everyone can do that.

I'm rooting for you.
Don't be too hard on yourself.

Come on, you should get some rest.
And then, you can go back out there.

Next time you come back.
I hope you'll create something here again.

I'll leave the door open
This is your place to come back to.

I can't wait to see what you're going to accomplishe with the rest of your life,

too bright to see

I'll be right there with you.
We're in this together.

You're gonna get what you want.
It's time to go back.

If you have a dream that you want to achieve.

You must pay a price commensurate with what you want.

You've sacrificed too much of everything.

You've taken on things you didn't need to take on
Hurt by things that don't need to be hurt

You've become strong enough

You've overcome the things that take a long time for everyone to overcome

This is where your life begins.

You just have to hang on a little bit longer.
You're almost there.

Come on, it's the dawn of time.

And if it gets hard again.
You can always come back

You'll find your place right here.
I'll make a place for you and wait for you

Don't cry
My lovely

There are people waiting for what you're creating.

That's all you need.
There are so many wonderful people around you.

So go out there and be happy.
There's a place of peace right here.

What you're creating
Doesn't have to be something that saves the world

Just something that is a light to someone else

You just need to keep the light that you once lit.

The warmth in your heart
Keep it alive, keep it alive, keep it alive

You're shining,
More than anyone else in the world

Hmmm, you're starting to smile a little.
Keep it up, that's what you are.

Don't forget.
You're a wonderful person.

Have a good day.
There are a lot of people waiting for you.

I'll be right here.
I'll always be waiting for you.
