
Bouquet of Love

Happiness like a bouquet of flowers that fills both hands
Wrapping your precious people

You are always doing your best

From morning till night
All year round

To make someone's wish come true
You work hard

I know that you're always working hard

I think it's wonderful,
I'm always looking at you.

But I always wonder.
When do you take care of yourself?

Behind your eyes,
there's always a dark shadow
A dark shadow flickers behind your smile

I can see it
Because I'm same to you

It's much easier to make someone happy than it is to make ourselves happy.

But remember

This world is made for more selfish people than you think.

You're doing great.
You just need to loosen up a bit.

Let me take half of what you're carrying

You know, I'm stronger than you think.
Leave it to me.
I'm the same as you.

I'm with you.

They say that if you keep it to yourself, it will bloom.
What's the point in hiding it?

What you think is much more important than what others think.

I want you to smile.

Let's get out of this vortex

It's going to be okay.
Let's look forward and move on

Let's keep our pace slowly
Walk together

"Oh, flowers blooming..."
If you could say that
I think it would be wonderful

Come on, let's walk together
We'll see where we end up
It's ok to know such a pitty truth later

I'll walk next to you, and I'll stare at your smiling face.
That's all I want.

As long as you're smiling at me
Everything is wonderful
