サドゥ・マハラージャの言葉 (9th,Dec,2016)

"If there is any self feeling in the love, it is not love. Prem is without any desire for my own enjoying.If I do for my enjoyment something, it is kama. If you satisfy the senses of Krishna with your svarupa identity, that is prema. Without living in your spiritual identity you cannot give prema. Self realisation is important for giving love.Mother is self realised in the love as mother. Even when mother gets old, she still feels that the daughter is a baby, sometimes she behaves like that, looking her (grown up) daughter as a baby drinking her milk. She behaves like that to her daughter.Mother is always protecting. This is Radhika's Love, she is always protecting. Love is pure, selfless.One cannot become perfect in bodily conciousness. Take one subject. Your eyes will be perfect your whole life? Your teeth? Your senses will be perfect? When you were young, your senses were working, when you become 40, 50 years old the senses become less active and after 70 there is no activity. Why? Because not perfect. This is the nature of the material thing, it is never perfect. And we think we will get perfection in material conciousness. Never.We have to identify our spiritual identity, living in this body. The body is the base, it is the land."
