
英語長文問題クエスト Part 90 (テーマ:イスラムの広がり)

英語の読解力を伸ばすには多読が必須!特に、TOEFL ibt というテストでは、かなり高度な読解力が必要ですし、何より、このTOEFL ibt という試験が難しいことの理由の1つに、日本語でも勉強していないアカデミックな内容の文章が出題されることです。


Title: The Spread of Islam: A Historical Journey

The spread of Islam, one of the world's major religions, is a tale of diverse cultures, vibrant trade routes, and intellectual exchange. Originating in the 7th century in the Arabian Peninsula, Islam swiftly expanded its influence across regions, shaping the course of history in profound ways.

Early Expansion and Military Campaigns

In the early years after the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632 CE, Islamic forces embarked on military campaigns known as the Arab Conquests. Led by caliphs and skilled military commanders, Arab armies swiftly conquered vast territories, including parts of the Byzantine and Sassanian Empires. The military success of these early campaigns played a crucial role in the rapid spread of Islam.

Spread through Trade and Cultural Exchange

While military conquests were significant, the spread of Islam was not solely a result of military might. Islamic traders and scholars traveled extensively along trade routes, from Africa to Southeast Asia, disseminating not just goods but also ideas. Islamic merchants, known for their integrity and fairness, attracted people to the faith through their interactions. Cultural and intellectual exchanges in fields like mathematics, astronomy, and medicine further facilitated the spread of Islamic knowledge and culture.

Islamic Golden Age and Centers of Learning

During the Islamic Golden Age, roughly spanning from the 8th to the 14th century, the Islamic world became a center of knowledge and learning. Scholars from different cultures and religions gathered in places like Baghdad, Cordoba, and Cairo, translating ancient Greek and Roman texts into Arabic. This rich intellectual environment encouraged the exchange of ideas, fostering advancements in various disciplines and contributing to the spread of Islamic scholarship.

Islamic Civilization in Spain and Africa

Islamic rule in Spain, which lasted for several centuries, left a lasting impact on the region's culture, architecture, and language. The famous Alhambra Palace in Granada stands as a testament to the Islamic influence in the region. In Africa, Islam spread through trade routes, reaching regions like West Africa, where powerful empires like Mali embraced the religion, incorporating Islamic principles into their societies.

Modern Challenges and Diversity

Today, Islam is a global faith practiced by millions worldwide. Its spread, however, has not been without challenges. Misunderstandings, political tensions, and conflicts have sometimes overshadowed the religion's rich history and cultural contributions. Moreover, Islam is diverse, with followers from various cultures and traditions, leading to a range of interpretations and practices within the faith.


  1. What were the early Islamic military campaigns known as?
    A) Crusades
    B) Arab Conquests
    C) Ottoman Expeditions
    D) Byzantine Raids

  2. How did Islamic traders contribute to the spread of Islam?
    A) By forming alliances with local rulers
    B) By translating ancient texts into Arabic
    C) Through cultural and intellectual exchanges along trade routes
    D) By establishing military fortresses in key regions

  3. During which period did the Islamic Golden Age occur?
    A) 3rd to 7th century CE
    B) 8th to 14th century CE
    C) 15th to 18th century CE
    D) 1st to 6th century CE

  4. Which famous palace in Granada, Spain, reflects Islamic influence in its architecture?
    A) Louvre Museum
    B) Alhambra Palace
    C) Buckingham Palace
    D) Palace of Versailles

  5. In which region did Islamic principles become part of powerful empires like Mali?
    A) Southeast Asia
    B) West Africa
    C) South America
    D) Central Europe

  6. What has sometimes overshadowed the rich history and cultural contributions of Islam?
    A) Political tensions and conflicts
    B) Lack of intellectual exchange
    C) Limited translations of Islamic texts
    D) Isolation from other cultures

  7. What made Islamic merchants attractive to people along trade routes?
    A) Their advanced weaponry
    B) Their fairness and integrity
    C) Their powerful military allies
    D) Their control over major trade hubs

  8. During the Islamic Golden Age, what was translated into Arabic, fostering advancements in various disciplines?
    A) Ancient Greek and Roman texts
    B) Chinese philosophical writings
    C) Mayan historical records
    D) Persian scientific manuscripts

  9. What role did caliphs and military commanders play in the early spread of Islam?
    A) They led intellectual exchanges
    B) They established trade routes
    C) They led military campaigns
    D) They built architectural marvels

  10. Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to the diversity within Islam?
    A) Different cultural traditions
    B) Interpretations of religious texts
    C) Political unity among Islamic nations
    D) Historical contexts and influences

  11. Where did Islamic scholars translate ancient Greek and Roman texts into Arabic?
    A) Baghdad, Cordoba, and Cairo
    B) Rome and Athens
    C) Mecca and Medina
    D) Istanbul and Damascus

  12. What were the Islamic forces led by in the early military campaigns?
    A) Imams
    B) Ayatollahs
    C) Caliphs and military commanders
    D) Sultans

  13. Which of the following regions did Islam NOT spread to during its early expansion?
    A) Parts of the Byzantine Empire
    B) India and Southeast Asia
    C) North Africa
    D) China and Japan

Answers and Explanations



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