
2022/06/23 English

Recently I've been listening to Kenji Ozawa's albums again. Especially I've been into the albums "The Dogs Bark, But The Caravan Moves On" and "LIFE". I guess these two albums are asking me a question. It's that "Can you praise an ordinary life?". Yes, just an ordinary life. But my deep memories and emotion are in it... it reminds me of Kazushi Hosaka's novels. TBH once I had thought that that kind of ordinary life must be boring. It must be boring and tasteless... now I have another opinion. Our ordinary life has its shining within it.

I listen to Kenji Ozawa's "Lovely" and Scha Dara Parr's "Summer Jam '95". They know well I believe. It means that sometimes our days bite us. But they choose to celebrate our daily life and enjoy various things within it. I might have to Kazushi Hosaka's novels such as "Plainsong" and "Breakfast on the grass". Or I might have to read the novel "A Simple Life" by Akira Abe completely... Indeed, our life has no meaning and we will die one day. But I believe that the fact I am here and I have done something remains. Like that I am living with the things the people I won't meet again passed me.

In the afternoon I joined Mihoge's room on Clubhouse and talked about the topic "challenging". TBH I had no profound ideas but I just wanted to talk about the things yesterday I had talked about with Janne. It was how we should go out of our comfort zone. But we went to more sensitive topics. We talked about the fact that people with serious handicaps tend to be called 'challenged', in short, their difficulties in their life are called 'challenges'. I said that people with handicaps (I'm also one of them) need not a life against any challenges, but a life without any challenges.

In the night I read Hitoshi Nagai's "This is Nietzsche". This book has some dangerous content. My life must be mine and not anyone else's. Therefore the events in my life must be the ones only I have faced and experienced (even if the same events happened in other people's lives, they would accept them in a different way). Then, can I accept all of those things as wonderful things with the idea of eternal recurrence? I was reminded of Wittgenstein's life with this idea. Wittgenstein had tried to accept all of the events in his life and recognize them. He had even made his philosophy by them. How can I make my philosophy by the things which would happen in the future?
