





昨日は友達が誘ってくれて映画を見に行きました。 海外で初めての映画でわくわくと不安でしたが楽しめました。 はっきり何を言っているのかを理解することはほとんどできなかったけど、流れと少しだけ聞こえてくる単語だけを聞き取って理解しました。 まだ私には難しすぎたけどいい経験になったと思います。 I went to see a movie because my friend invited me. It was my first time watching a foreign mo

    • 13Days

      昨日は英語が聞き取れなくて理由はわからないけどいつもの授業がなくなって美術館に行くことになりました。 美術館自体はまあまあでそんなにとても面白いという感じではなかったけど、突然授業無くなるとか海外っぽくていい! そのあと何人かでバスケやろってなってバスケをしに公園に向かったけどすでに誰かが使っていて結局バスケはできなかったです でも、バスケしよってできるくらいの友達ができてすごい嬉しい! I went to museum yesterday, I'm not sure wh

      • 12days

        昨日は運よく晴れでした。曇り時々雨だったみたいだけど私が外にいるときは雨が降らなくてラッキー やっと学校にもなんとなく慣れてきて友達といえるかわからないけど話せる人は増えてきました。嬉しい でもあと2、3週間で卒業してしまう人が何人かいてその分新しく入ってくるのだろうけれどもやっぱり悲しいです。 昨日は4人新しいメンバーがクラスに加わりました。日本人2人とスペイン人、台湾人です 仲良くなれるかな~? It was sunny luckily. It was cloudy w

        • 11Days

          it is rainy? I don't know yet because I've not gone out today It is a first time to rain in Australia but ofcours I don't like rainy wether I hope to become sunny


          today is first test for me I'm so nervous but friends in me classroom said "it's so easy, maybe you can do it" therefore I did't study hard last weekend

          オーストラリアに持ってきたものに家族との思い出がありすぎて泣けてくる 帰りたい日本に 皆に会いたい

          オーストラリアに持ってきたものに家族との思い出がありすぎて泣けてくる 帰りたい日本に 皆に会いたい


          I don't have any plans today too I want friends but I foegot how I make friends someone let's hang out with me--!!


          I went to park with my host family to watch my hostfamily's brither playing soccer. there are playground equipment and hostfamily's sister invited me to play with me many times! but there are many younger children and those equipment is for


          Hello! Today is Friday! It is last day this school week!! I was well done! I was so nerves and also now but I'm getting used to step by step. My current goal is "become an upper class and make more friends and do communication" From next w

          Australia Dialy Day6

          It is so difiicult to communicate with foreigners in english language school because they have original accent each country. I can hear techer and homestay's family(they try to speak to hear easilyfor me) … I want to talk with my classmates

          Australia Dialy Day6

          Now Thinking

          Learning English is so difficult. Studying don't get concequence soon and I cannot understand English all. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hard to study English wanna quit but I have to! For study abroad! 英語学習って難しい。 何か覚えたらすぐに結果が出るわけでもないし、知識も多くないと何言ってるかそ

          Now Thinking

          Today's Dairy

          I wonder what should I do while students. I have same idea of Gakuto that you should do that cannot do for your future in X like so. I have same idea. I think it's a pity that you stand now I think it's late for thinking that time but it's

          Today's Dairy

          Today's Thinking

          What I thinking. It is hard to tiping because of my nail. I have a lot of inconvenient things because of my nail though neil is beautiful. It is hard to take stacker and tiping. Time come to choose looking or convenience. 最近思うこと。 爪が長くてタイピン

          Today's Thinking

          Today's Diary

          Today,It's gettting cool for a long time. I can feel the winter for a long time because it's warm recently. As my routine,I go to Internship and come home then have a dinner. It is normal day lol I don't have ane events tomorrow so I'll stu

          Today's Diary


          Today,I solved TOEFL first time. It is more dificult than thinking and less time than thinking. I thougt that I am good at English. However,I don't have enough time so I don't have another choice! Do my best!! 今日初めてTOEFLの問題集を解きました。 思っていた以上



          皆さんはどうやってお金を稼いでいますか? 私は大学生であるのでどうしても副業という形でしかお金を稼ぐ方法が見出せません。 皆さんのおすすめのお金の稼ぎ方を教えてほしいです。
