How do we end the Ukrainian war?

How do we end the Ukrainian war?
Here's my answer!
First, provide the necessary weapons in the necessary quantities.
Then send troops, of course in the necessary numbers, no, even more.
Invade Russia and take control of Moskoa, and do so in a short time. The reason is to not give them time to use nuclear weapons!
Capture Putin and his executives and abolish Russia's military industry, military, aviation industry, etc. Completely dismantle the KGB, parliament, and political structure.
Well, it can't be helped that we will have to continue the occupation for 10 to 20 years.
It is clear that we need to invade Russia to end it fairly. It should be done as limitedly as possible!
And the biggest obstacle is that Western countries are not (at all) willing to do so.
They clearly have no intention of destroying Russia!
Trump says he can end it within 24 hours, but he's saying pretty much the same thing as Putin. In short, give up the territory that was taken, admit defeat, or in other words, give in! Both Trump and Putin are saying so.

Do you think the Ukrainian people would accept that?

It seems that Western countries and NATO are getting tired of this ("war game") for a while. That's why they are pressuring President Zelensky to ceasefire and end the war.

How do you think we can end this war? And what is needed to end it?

Please think carefully.

I'll talk a little about the Self-Defense Forces. The Self-Defense Forces currently only have a shield, but they will eventually lose if they just defend. That's why the government is trying to give them a blade called enemy base counterattack capability, but that's not enough.

In the end, they will have no choice but to send ground troops to enemy territory. The reason is very simple: even if you block the movement of the poisonous snake, it will eventually escape and attack again. Therefore, they will eventually be forced into a situation where they have no choice but to crush the head of the poisonous snake.
President Zelensky is currently calling for the lifting of the shackles of restrictions on the use of donated weapons; in fact, he has been calling for this for a long time. The reason is that Ukraine currently has only a shield.
Ukraine needs a blade that can cut deep into enemy territory where the weak points are lurking. The problem is that no one wants to hand over that blade.
Don't let them win, but don't let them lose. In other words, don't let them live, but don't kill them. The West has been playing this "game" for so long that it seems they are finally getting tired of it.
