
Diary 20240502-20240508



My throat is not perfect but has gotten better.

I tend to have a difficulty to choose one when it comes to choosing from two. Especially from two colors. Sometimes I end up buying both.

I’m happy I got a reply from my “American mother”. Now I feel like I’m really going to Portugal next year.

I don’t understand why he can hurt me so innocently. I hope we can laugh about this in the future, or hope I don’t remember, but now I want him to feel bad. Sometimes I hate that I have such a good memory.


I’m saved by kindness of many people. I’ll appreciate it and learn to be a better person.

My throat is not perfect but quite better. But I tend to have a stomachache and diarrhea-ish. I don’t know what it is but I guess because of the changing temperature.

Busy day at käsi. I need to learn to be nicer even when I’m busy.


I’m happy I made up with E. I was going to go to Mametsubaki and then join the concert that he has been going for these three days today, but I’ve been feeling a bit feverish and tired, so I couldn’t. What’s bothering me the most is the stomachache. It’s really a shame to imagine what I could’ve done otherwise on such a beautiful sunny day. It’s quite hot, though. I know I could’ve worn out with this health condition. What I can tell from the snivel and phlegm is I’m at the end of a cold. It sounds like he has some symptoms and I feel so bad.


He asked me out as he was coming to the camera shop in my city. We went to the pizza place we sometime go together,  had coffee at Tully’s chatting, and I tagged along with his grocery shopping. He seemed to be fine, saying I’d already given him the virus anyways. I hope it doesn’t get worse.. Anyways, I was glad to see him and spend a relaxing half a day.


Still coughing and blowing my nose. I know it’s getting better, but sometimes I can’t stop coughing. Feel sorry for my students. A-san served her scone with strawberries and rosemary at her class. As she told me that’s T-chan’s favorite and I’m going to have a class with her, I asked her if I could buy some. Then she said I don’t need to pay as they were a little over baked. I’m just amazed by her generosity and kindness.


I always feel liberated when I have a class in Osaka with T-chan in the morning and go some places afterwards. Today I found a nice counter seat at a food court looking down people at Tennoji station, where I was able to had lunch and work on my translation work, dropped by Cosme Kitchen (couldn’t find what I wanted) and went to yard cafe watching greens and colors and people, writing down some notes.






