
Diary 20240425-20240501



I just started to cry whatever I did, so I sent a message to A-chan, who now is in Nagoya, hoping that she’s available. It’s been very a interesting friendship with her for these 7 years or so. Now she’s like one of my guardian angels. Luckily or as it’s meant to be, I was able to see her just for an hour or so, and it was helpful and uplifting as always. I wonder when it will be the next time. I’ll keep her messages in my mind and live strong and light as I’m supposed to be.


My mom found out that she can set multiple pictures as standby display on her phone. She showed me all those different pictures of flowers very happily.


My room hunting took an unexpected turn. This week I realized that going somewhere to see someone or just going to places when it comes to my mind feels something important for me, but having my place, my own little cave also would fill my world even more.  Maybe something between actually “living” and staying a hotel would fit the best.


I think I had a very good weekend even though I’ve been suffering from sore gum around a wisdom teeth and haven’t slept well. I’m glad that E was getting along well with people around me and seemed happy during the weekend. Also, I was happy to share my feelings. I think I need to be more confident about us.


I met M-chan, one of my friends from high school, who I meet several times a year. I also briefly met her mom, daughters and her husband. We’re going to go to Hawaii when we hit 50, but today we set another goal: we go to Okinawa when we become 45.


I’ve been having a sore throat since last night. I don’t know if it’s a cold or some kind of allergy, but hope it gets better soon.. Plus, it’s cold again today.

When I think about a new room, I can’t ignore the voice of “Do you really need it?” I’ll keep considering. It should be nice to have my own place as long as I’d be light inside and outside.






