Diary 20240307-20240313

コロナ日記終盤〜日常に戻りました。免疫が下がるとどうなるか、みたいなののオンパレードな週の前半。それでもget back to normalできるわたしのからだに拍手。載せたい写真すら撮っていなかった事実もそのままカバー写真に反映。


It feels like there’s been a tiny progress in my sense of smell, but I’ve been feeling some soreness in outer side of my lower-right gum since last night. I guess it came from some stress, but might be one of post-covid conditions. Good grief!


Got pretty tired getting back to work (and long drive) after a while! Working at the cafe itself is refreshing and fun, though. My gum still hurts but slightly better than yesterday, and my sense of smell is coming back a little, too. I will rest well and build body strength back again slowly.


I’m staying at E’s for the first time in more than 3 weeks. I’m worried about my recovering body, but I could feel that he was happy to see me from the moment we saw each other and that made me feel easy and safe. It’s good that he wanted to have a rest as much as I did, like taking a nap. I’m still worried if I get him sick, but probably okay..


It’s so nice spending time together, but we need to figure out how we can sleep well. Even though we started to sleep around 10pm and woke up quoter to 6am, I don’t think I slept deep enough and felt like I would faint after work.. It’s not only because of the lack of sleep, but also because of the lowering pressure and migraine aura, though. Next time we meet up, I’ll suggest discussing it for our health and healthy, long-life relationship…


I went to an okonomiyaki shop with F-san and R-san, who live in the same city. The shop is at a few minutes walk from my house, but I’d never been there. While we were eating, M-kun, who runs a footwear company near there came in with a graphic designer from Nara city. We found out the designer and I had some connections. I found it’s very nice to be able to casually gather like that in our neighborhood.


I went to one of my favorite cafes in Osaka called “Yard” for the first time in over two months. I used to go there once or twice a month, so I would say it’s been a while. The owner N-san was there and noticed me and talked to me. To me, he has a ton of customers and acquaintances, and is busy with a lot of work, so it’s so nice of him to say hi to a semi-regular customer like me. Same as him, staff working there are also nice people and that creates the good atmosphere of the cafe, I think.





