





I.【アメリカ人事】HR基礎講座 その60
Employee Handbookを読む
Legally Required Benefits /8. Social Security


▼Human Resources Management (English)
What is Talent Management?



●How to handle Form I-9 expiration
号外【第258回アメリカ人事】Form I-9の期限切れにどう対応すべきか?

For the news in English

●COVID-19 Close Contact definition changed on 10/14/22
号外【第259回アメリカ人事】10/14/22 カリフォルニア州COVID-19濃厚接触定義変更

For the news in English


■Final Paycheck: Employee Pickup or Mail? Answers to FAQs

If an employee quits without giving any notice, I believe I have a window of time to prepare a final paycheck. Does the employee have to come pick it up or should I mail it to them?

When an employee quits without any notice at all, you have 72 hours to cut a final paycheck and have it ready for them to pick up. If an employee gives less than 72 hours’ notice, you have 72 hours from the time notice is given to have the check ready. The 72 hours runs regardless of business hours. It generally is the responsibility of the employee to return to pick up their check or request that it be mailed.

Some of the most common questions about final paychecks in this situation are:

Where should the check be for the employee to pick up?

A final paycheck must be available for them to pick up “at the office of the employer within the county in which the work was performed,” according to California Labor Code Section 202.

So, for example, an employee who works at a Northern California branch of your company could not be required to travel to your Southern California branch where your payroll is done to pick up a final paycheck. You would need to make sure it was available for the employee to pick up at the Northern California branch by the 72-hour deadline.

What if my payroll is done out of state and I can’t get a check in time?

Unfortunately, there is no exception to the 72-hour rule based on where your payroll is done, so if the check is late, you would be subject to waiting time penalties of a day’s wages for every day it is late up to 30 calendar days.

What if an employee doesn’t come to pick up their final paycheck?

Often an employee will not return to pick up a check, in which case an employer might wonder if they need to eventually mail it to the employee.

California law is clear that the final paycheck should be mailed to an employee who quits only if the employee specifically requests that it be mailed and also designates a mailing address.

If the employee does not come in to pick up their final paycheck and never requests that it be mailed, should I mail it anyway just to be sure they get their wages?

No. If you drop it in the mail and then the employee comes in to pick up the check before it arrives at the employee’s home, you will be liable for penalties for late wages for every day the employee then has to wait for the check to arrive.

In addition, if you don’t have a current address on file, the check may go to the wrong address and cause even further penalties to accrue.

If an employee requests that I mail the check, does it have to arrive at the employee’s home within 72 hours?

No. The date of the mailing is considered the date of payment for purposes of the requirement to provide payment within 72 hours of the notice of quitting. So as long as the check is mailed on time, there is no legal violation even though it may take several days in the mail to reach the employee’s home.

First class mail is considered sufficient for mailing, although some employers may choose to use a form of delivery that provides proof of receipt.

What if an employee is working remotely from their home in another county?

The law on final paychecks simply says the check must be available at the office of the employer within the county in which the work was performed — and does not address remote workers.

If an employee is working from home in a different county than the one where the employer is located, it’s unclear where the final check would need to be. However, an employer could ask the employee if they would simply like the check mailed to avoid any issues.

What if the employee has given more than 72 hours’ notice, or if we have terminated them or laid them off?

Note that the above mailing rules do not apply when an employee quits with more than 72 hours’ notice, in which case the wages are due on the last day of work. These rules also do not apply when an employee is terminated or laid off, in which case the wages are due at the time and place of termination or layoff.


従業員が予告なしに退職した場合、72 時間以内に最終的な給与を削減し、従業員が受け取る準備を整える必要があります。従業員が 72 時間以内に通知した場合、小切手を準備するために、通知が与えられてから 72 時間の猶予があります。 72 時間は、営業時間に関係なく実行されます。小切手を受け取りに戻るか、郵送を要求するのは通常、従業員の責任です。



カリフォルニア州労働法第 202 条によると、最終的な給与は、「仕事が行われた郡内の雇用主のオフィスで」受け取ることができる必要があります。

したがって、たとえば、会社の北カリフォルニア支店で働く従業員は、最終的な給与を受け取るために給与計算が行われる南カリフォルニア支店に行く必要はありません。従業員が 72 時間の期限までに北カリフォルニア支店で受け取ることができるようにする必要があります。


残念ながら、給与計算が行われる場所に基づいた 72 時間ルールに例外はありません。そのため、チェックが遅れた場合、最大 30 暦日まで遅れた日ごとに 1 日分の賃金の待機時間ペナルティが課されることになります。 .







従業員が小切手の郵送を要求した場合、小切手は 72 時間以内に従業員の自宅に到着する必要がありますか?

いいえ。退会の通知から 72 時間以内に支払いを行う必要があるため、発送日が支払い日とみなされます。したがって、小切手が時間通りに郵送される限り、従業員の自宅に郵便物が届くまでに数日かかる場合がありますが、法律違反にはなりません。





従業員が 72 時間以上前に通知した場合、または従業員を解雇またはレイオフした場合はどうなりますか?

上記の郵送規則は、従業員が 72 時間以上前に通知して退職する場合には適用されないことに注意してください。この場合、賃金は勤務の最終日に支払われます。これらの規則は、従業員が解雇または解雇された場合にも適用されません。この場合、賃金は解雇または一時解雇の時間と場所で支払う必要があります。

●10/06/22 号外【第257回アメリカ人事】2023年カリフォルニア州新しい法律トップ10+CFRA & Paid Sick Leave 対象に特定の人が追加

●10/04/22 号外【第256回アメリカ人事】CA州 従業員5名以上の企業に忌引き(Unpaid)を義務化

▼動画 解説

●10/06/22号外 顧問契約メンバー限定号外
【第257回アメリカ人事】2023年カリフォルニア州新しい法律トップ10+CFRA & Paid Sick Leave 対象に特定の人が追加
▼動画 解説

●10/03/22号外 顧問契約メンバー限定号外
【第256回アメリカ人事】CA州 従業員5名以上の企業に忌引き(Unpaid)を義務化

▼動画 解説

【第254回アメリカ人事】CA州 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave 12/31/22まで延長
▼動画 解説

●09/30/22号外 顧問契約メンバー限定号外
【第255回アメリカ人事】CA州 求人広告にサラリーレンジ公開義務 ジョブ型雇用の義務化か?
▼動画 解説

III.皆様からの質問集 (Q&A between our clients)
Table of Contents
I.【アメリカ人事】HR基礎講座 その60 1
Employee Handbookを読む 1
Legally Required Benefits /8. Social Security 1
▼Human Resources Management (English) 2
II.HR関連ニュース 2
▼今週のニュースはこちらから 2



●10/06/22 号外【第257回アメリカ人事】2023年カリフォルニア州新しい法律トップ10+CFRA & Paid Sick Leave 対象に特定の人が追加 9
●10/04/22 号外【第256回アメリカ人事】CA州 従業員5名以上の企業に忌引き(Unpaid)を義務化 9
●09/30/22に顧問契約メンバー限定号外 10
【第254回アメリカ人事】CA州 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave 12/31/22まで延長 10
●09/30/22号外 顧問契約メンバー限定号外 10
【第255回アメリカ人事】CA州 求人広告にサラリーレンジ公開義務 ジョブ型雇用の義務化か? 10

III.皆様からの質問集 (Q&A between our clients) 10
1.【COVID-19】CA州隔離のガイドラインは変更ありましたか? 14

  1. [COVID1-9] Please advise the information about Exclusion Requirements for Employees Who Test Positive for COVID-19 14

  2. 【自主退職】自主退職の場合にSeverance Payは支払いますか? 28

  3. [Voluntary Resignation] Should we pay a severance pay for a voluntary resignation? 28
    3.【ハラスメント調査】ハラスメントの調査はどのように進めたらよいですか? 29

  4. [Harassment Investigation] Please advise how to conduct harassment investigation. 29
    Harassment Investigations: An Employer's Guide 32
    Take all complaints seriously. 33
    Launch a prompt investigation. 33
    Protect confidentiality to the extent possible. 33
    Create an investigation file. 34
    Take steps to prevent retaliation. 34
    Prepare to interview appropriate parties. 34
    Interview the complainant. 35
    Interview witnesses. 35
    Interview the accused. 35
    Gather evidence. 36
    Evaluate credibility. 36
    Prepare the report. 36
    Take corrective action. 37
    Follow-up. 37
    Conclusion: 37
    3.【Paid Sick Leave】Paid Sick Leaveのルールについて 37

  5. [Paid Sick Leave] Please advise Paid Sick Leave rules in CA. 37
    4.【試用期間】試用期間について 38

  6. [Introductory Period] Please advise about introductory period. 38
    5.【レポーティングタイムペイ】レポーティングタイムペイついて 39

  7. [Reporting Time Pay] What is reporting time pay? 39
    Advance Scheduling, Meeting Duration Affect Reporting Time Pay 42
    6.【従業員の病状】従業員の病状を質問することは可能か? 44

  8. [Employee’s medical information] Can we ask employee’s heath information? 44
    7.【Exempt to Nonexempt】ExemptをNonexemptに変更することは可能か? 45

  9. [Exempt to Nonexempt] Can employer change exempt to nonexempt? 45
