



1. Be careful when you are giving advice. Most people will ask for your advice and never follow it. You can’t control what they take away from you and/or if they take anything away at all.

2. Your thoughts become your reality. I always thought I would live overseas. I don’t know why. I just wanted to. I didn’t know how I’d do it, but now I’ve been living in Canada for close to 20 years.

3. I have so many people I like who cannot do anything for me, yet I would do anything for them. It’s not that they worked hard to be liked by me. I just like them. To be liked genuinely is a powerful thing.

4. Raising a bilingual child is extremely difficult. It’s a lifetime commitment.

5. Think with your own head. But in this socially connected world, sometimes you can fall into trap by asking for people’s opinion. I’m guilty of this too. Similarly: Ask questions.

6. Connect with at least one person daily in a meaningful way. I write down every day who I’ve connected with that day in my day planner.

7. I am a woman before I am a mother. And I am proud of it.

8. What doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. It’s true.

9. It’s OK to show your weakness. I mean it. In other word, if you act like you are perfect and strong, not many people will feel connected to you. It’s OK to be human.

10. If you are not learning from your mistakes, you are not really living. Read: If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules

11. Grow a thick skin. I have always been the “nail that sticks out”(Japanese proverb) and been called names or spoken ill of. Feel sorry for those who have to speak behind others' backs. What others think of you is none of your business.

12. Habit is a scary thing. I remember my elementary school teacher saying this. I’ve only lived in Canada for 17 years, but I say “Excuse me” in English when my shoulder touches other people in Japan. Weirdly, I say “Ouch” when I hurt myself. Getting used to things desensitize you. This is seriously frightening.

13. Treat children with respect. They are sensitive and they remember more than you know. I still remember things my mom taught me when I was 3 or 4 - never waste any grain of rice, never wear a plastic bag in your head, how to crack an egg, and so on.

14. Japan has so many signs everywhere telling you to do/not to do stuff. “Please do not smoke” “Please stay inside the line” “Please do not use your cell phone” "Please keep your voice down" I think this is really messed up. One of the reasons I cannot live there any more.

15. Don’t misunderstand your self-worth within the context of people you hang out with. Just because you hang out with “famous/important” people, doesn’t mean that you are.

16. Show up for your friends. People will always remember that you were there for their special moments.

17. Hone your BS meter. Just because your friends say something/someone is amazing doesn’t mean you should follow suit.

18. "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C.S. Lewis

19. Use your imagination. Imagination = thoughtfulness, kindness, generosity and more.

20. Be fearless.

This post was inspired by Craig McBreen and Julien Smith. Thank you.
