


The Enchanting Stained Glass of Chartres Cathedral in France

Chartres Cathedral, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, stands as a magnificent example of Gothic architecture in France. Its most captivating feature is the collection of stained glass windows that date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. These windows not only add to the beauty of the cathedral but also serve as a medium for storytelling, depicting various biblical stories and saints' lives. While the vibrant colors and intricate designs of the stained glass are a feast for the eyes, maintaining these historic artworks presents a considerable challenge. Over the centuries, the windows have been exposed to weathering and have required extensive restoration efforts to preserve their beauty and historical value.

For visitors, the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral offer a unique glimpse into the medieval world. The way light filters through the glass, illuminating the interior with a kaleidoscope of colors, creates a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere. However, for those responsible for the cathedral's upkeep, the conservation of stained glass is a costly and complex task. It involves not only cleaning and repairing the glass itself but also ensuring that the structural integrity of the window frames is maintained.

Despite the challenges in preservation, the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral continue to draw admirers from around the world. They are a testament to the skill and artistry of medieval craftsmen and serve as an enduring symbol of faith and devotion. As visitors stand in awe of the windows' beauty, they are also reminded of the importance of preserving such treasures for future generations to appreciate.


  1. Chartres Cathedral is dedicated to whom?

    • A) The apostles

    • B) The Virgin Mary

    • C) Saint Peter

    • D) King Louis IX

  2. What is the main challenge in preserving the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral?

    • A) Finding skilled craftsmen

    • B) The cost and complexity of conservation

    • C) Lack of interest from the public

    • D) Modern architectural changes

  3. Why do visitors find the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral so captivating?

    • A) They are the largest windows in the world

    • B) The windows play music when light passes through

    • C) The colors and stories depicted create a unique atmosphere

    • D) They are made with gold


  1. 回答: B) The Virgin Mary
    解説: Chartres Cathedralは、聖母マリアに捧げられた大聖堂です。この情報は、文書の最初の文にあります。

  2. 回答: B) The cost and complexity of conservation
    解説: ステンドグラスの保存には、コストと複雑さが伴います。これは、修復作業が簡単ではなく、技術的な専門知識を必要とするためです。

  3. 回答: C) The colors and stories depicted create a unique atmosphere
    解説: 訪問者がステンドグラスの窓に魅了されるのは、表示される色と物語が独特の雰囲気を作り出すからです。この美しさは、中世の世界へのユニークな洞察を提供します。





