

ウクライナ軍予備役将校の@Tatarigami_UA氏がTwitter(X)に、ウクライナ軍上級将校の「質」に関して、投稿しています(日本時間08:48, 2023.07.29)。この戦争のなかNATOは、ウクライナの下士官と兵卒の訓練を行っていますが、下士官兵だけでなく将校への、とりわけ旅団レベル以上の指揮統制任務に関わる将校への訓練教育の必要性を、@Tatarigami_UA氏は訴えています。なお、ウクライナ軍将校団に内在するソヴィエト軍的メンタリティの問題は、他の専門家からも指摘されている問題です。


While minefields and insufficient supplies from the West undoubtedly contribute to drawbacks, it is essential to recognize that failures in planning and coordination at the commanding stage above the brigade level lead to far more significant drawbacks. In any war or military operation, there are both competent and ineffective commanders.

However, the main question is whether we will draw conclusions based on the performance of certain generals or simply lay blame on the West and minefields. Whether the assault concludes in Crimea or elsewhere in the South, it's vital to acknowledge both victories and failures and hold individuals accountable for seriuos shortcomings.

No amount of NATO training for NCOs and privates can compensate for the absence of similar training and the right mindset among certain senior officers.

To conclude, I would like to share a brief radio interception between Russian servicemembers that I heard almost a month ago:

- How is it going for you guys? Are you holding?
- Yeah.
- What about Ukrainians? What do you think?
- I have a feeling that their assault was planned by Gerasimov and executed by Muradov.






「そっちはどんな具合だい? 持ち堪えられてる?」
「ウクライナ軍はどんな感じ? どう思う?」
