

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 30, 2024, ISW ⬇️



ロシア軍統帥部は、空挺軍(VDV)の部隊編制に属する限られた数の部隊の一部を、より小規模な構成単位に分割して、戦線のさまざな地区に配置している模様だ。また、ロシア軍統帥部はVDV部隊を、少なくともVDV以外のロシア軍部隊編制と比べた場合に、比較的精鋭な部隊として、今でもみなしている可能性がある。6月30日にロシア国防省は、第106空挺師団第137空挺連隊隷下部隊がへルソン方面で作戦行動を行っているという情報を示した。一方で、第137空挺連隊隷下部隊がシヴェルシク[Siversk]方面で行動していることを主張する報告が、つい最近の6月29日に広く拡散されたことを、ISW[戦争研究所]は確認している。2024年5月末にロシア側情報筋の一つは、第98空挺師団第217空挺連隊隷下部隊がクルスク州の国境地帯で行動していると主張した。一方でISWは、第217空挺連隊隷下部隊が2024年5月後半にチャシウ・ヤール[Chasiv Yar]周辺でも行動しているという報告を確認しており、6月28日時点で第217空挺連隊隷下部隊は、チャシウ・ヤール周辺での作戦行動を続けている模様だ。また、第83空挺旅団隷下部隊は遅くとも2024年6月初めから、ヴォウチャンシク[Vovchansk]市内で作戦行動を続けているとされている。だが、ごく最近のことだが、第83旅団隷下部隊がチャシウ・ヤール周辺においても行動しているという報告を、ISWは6月11日に確認した。ロシア軍事ブロガー・アカウントの一つは5月1日に、ロシア軍司令部が第76空挺師団隷下部隊をへルソン州クリンキへと移動させることに決めたと主張した。また、ISWは、分隊規模の第76空挺師団隷下部隊が2024年5月末と同年6月中旬にへルソン方面で行動しているという報告を確認した。そして、第76空挺師団に関して、それ以上に大規模な配置転換があったことを裏付ける情報を、ISWは今のところ確認していない。その一方で、ウクライナ人軍事ウォッチャーのコスチャンティン・マショヴェツは5月5日に、第76空挺師団第104空挺連隊隷下の1個大隊がクルスク州内で活動していると指摘した。



The Russian military command appears to be separating some limited elements of airborne (VDV) units and formations into smaller components across different sectors of the front, and the Russian military command may still view VDV units as relatively elite, at least compared with other Russian units and formations. The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) claimed on June 30 that elements of the 106th Airborne (VDV) Division's 137th VDV Regiment are operating in the Kherson direction, while ISW has observed widespread reports as recently as June 29 claiming that elements of the 137th VDV Regiment are operating in the Siversk direction. A Russian source claimed in late May 2024 that elements of the 98th VDV Division's 217th VDV Regiment were operating in a border area of Kursk Oblast. ISW observed reports that elements of the 217th VDV Regiment were also operating near Chasiv Yar in late May 2024, and elements of the 217th VDV Regiment reportedly continue to operate near Chasiv Yar as of June 28. Elements of the 83rd VDV Brigade have reportedly been operating within Vovchansk since at least the beginning of June 2024, and ISW most recently observed reports on June 11 that elements of the 83rd Brigade were also operating near Chasiv Yar. A Russian milblogger claimed on May 1 that the Russian command decided to transfer elements of the 76th VDV Division to Krynky, Kherson Oblast, and ISW observed reports that squad-sized elements of the 76th VDV Division were operating in the Kherson direction in late May 2024 and mid-June 2024. ISW has yet to observe confirmation of a more significant redeployment of the 76th VDV Division. Ukrainian military observer Kostyantyn Mashovets also stated on May 5 that a battalion of the 76th VDV Division's 104th VDV Regiment was operating in Kursk Oblast.

This deployment of limited elements of the same VDV units and formations across diverging axes and distances is at odds with standard military practice. Elements of individual Russian VDV brigades and regiments have been deployed to the areas of responsibility of more than one grouping of forces, decisions that only Russian theater commander Chief of the Russian General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov or possibly VDV Commander Colonel General Mikhail Teplinsky could likely have made. ISW has previously assessed that Russian forces have heavily degraded the once-elite VDV units and are employing them in attritional ground assaults and counterattacks regardless of their designated functions and elite capabilities – essentially transforming the VDV into motorized rifle units. The Russian military command, however, may still assess VDV units to be of higher quality, particularly if these VDV units have retained some of the generally higher quality officer cadre with which they started the war. The decision to break up VDV regiments and brigades suggests that the Russian military command is willing to forego using VDV units and formations to pursue their own coherent offensive operations in select sectors of the front. The Russian military command may instead hope that the presence of supposedly more elite VDV units in various sectors will improve the relative combat effectiveness of other nearby lower-quality units and therefore marginally improve combat effectiveness throughout the frontline. It remains unclear why Russian forces are deploying VDV elements in this way, however, and ISW offers these possible explanations with low confidence. ISW will continue to closely track how Russian forces employ these limited redeployed VDV elements in ongoing offensive operations.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 30, 2024, ISW
