
【抄訳】戦争研究所「ロシアによる攻勢戦役評価」20.06.2024:"ロシア空軍、新型航空爆弾FAB-3000 M-54を投入"&"一様に低質化するロシア軍地上部隊"

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 20, 2024, ISW ⬇️

ロシア空軍、新型航空爆弾FAB-3000 M-54を投入


ロシア軍はハルキウ州内のウクライナ軍展開地点に対する攻撃に、新型爆弾FAB-3000 M-54を汎用滑空・修正モジュール(UMPC)付で使用した。この事例は、ロシア軍がこの種の兵器を今後も自由に使用し続けられる場合に、ロシア軍が新しく大きな破壊力を得る可能性を示している。ハルキウ州リプツィ[Liptsi]のウクライナ軍展開地点とされるところに、FAB-3000 M-54を用いた攻撃が初めて行われたことを示す動画を、6月20日にロシア側情報筋は広く拡散させた。そして、ロシア側情報筋は、この爆弾が設定目標から10メートル離れた地点に落ちたにもかかわらず、かなり大きな破壊をもたらしたことを指摘した。セルゲイ・ショイグ前国防相は、2024年3月のニジニ・ノヴゴロド州訪問の際に、3,000キロを超える重量をもつ無誘導爆弾の派生型であるFAB-3000 M-54の量産を発表した。過去にロシア側情報筋は、FAB-3000 M-54の生産を称賛する一方で、この爆弾の重量と全体的なサイズが、ロシア軍戦術航空機の大多数にとって、この爆弾の運搬をかなり難しいものにしていることを指摘していた。ロシア軍がFAB-3000の運用方法を解決したという事実は大きな進展であり、ウクライナの軍及びインフラに対してロシアが継続して行っている滑空爆弾攻撃の破壊力を増加させることになる可能性がある。ロシア軍はウクライナ国内での誘導式及び無誘導式滑空爆弾の使用をすでに増加させており、これはハルキウ州で顕著で、破壊的な影響を及ぼしている。仮にロシアがFAB-3000を用いた(もしくはさらに炸薬量の大きな滑空爆弾を用いた)大規模な集中爆撃を遂行できるようになった場合、ウクライナ軍の前線展開拠点及び同国の重要インフラに対して、ロシアはよりいっそう広範な被害を与えることができるようになるだろう。ロシア軍事ブロガーは、6月20日の攻撃は特段、精密なものではなかったが、ロシア軍がこれまで500キロ滑空爆弾でしてきたの同じような規模かつ同様に無抵抗な状態で、FAB-3000を使うことができれば特に、FAB-3000の破壊有効半径は精密性の欠如を埋め合わせられるだろうと指摘した。


Russian forces used the new FAB-3000 M-54 bomb with a unified planning and correction module (UMPC) to strike Ukrainian positions in Kharkiv Oblast for the first time, representing a new Russian capability with a high potential for destruction if Russian forces continue to be able to use such weapons uninhibited. Russian sources widely amplified footage of the first-ever FAB-3000 M-54 strike against a reported Ukrainian deployment point in Lyptsi, Kharkiv Oblast, on June 20, noting that the bomb caused substantial destruction even though it landed 10 meters away from its intended target. Former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu first announced the serial production of FAB-3000 M-54s, dumb-bomb variants weighing over 3,000 kilograms that can be converted into guided glide bombs with the addition of the UMPC modification, during a visit to Nizhny Novgorod Oblast in March 2024. Russian sources previously praised the production of FAB-3000s but noted that their weight and general dimensions would make them very difficult for most Russian tactical aircraft to deliver. The fact that Russian forces have figured out how to launch FAB-3000s is a significant development and will increase the destructive potential of Russia's ongoing glide bomb attacks against Ukrainian forces and infrastructure. Russian forces have already increased guided and unguided glide bomb use against Ukraine, particularly in Kharkiv Oblast, to devastating effect, and should Russian forces be able to launch massive barrages of FAB-3000s (or even heavier guided glide bombs) they will be able to cause even more widespread damage to Ukrainian frontline positions and critical infrastructure. Russian milbloggers noted that the June 20 strike was not particularly accurate, but the destruction radius of the FAB-3000 will compensate for its lack of accuracy, especially if Russian forces are able to use them at scale uncontested as the Russian Air Forces has with 500-kilogram glide bombs.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 20, 2024, ISW






The Russian military's increased over-reliance on infantry-heavy frontal assault tactics has greatly degraded the distinctions between various Russian combat services on the battlefield in Ukraine, minimizing the operational efficacy of frontline troops. Ukrainian military observer Kostyantyn Mashovets reported on June 20 that he gained access to a 2024 training manual for Russian airborne (VDV) troops, entitled "Combat use of an assault company (group) in an offensive." Mashovets stated that the training manual is meant to integrate battlefield experiences from the war in Ukraine into VDV training doctrine and noted that the tactical solution to contemporary frontline challenges that the manual offers is the creation of dedicated VDV assault detachments, usually at the company level, pulled from units at the brigade-, regiment-, and battalion-level. According to the manual, the assault groups should seize Ukrainian strong pints and individual firing points, as well as fortified terrain features, and ideally operate within a larger “assault detachment” or “assault battalion.” Mashovets emphasized that Russian high command expects for these company-sized assault groups have a standard service life of two days maximum, as this is the timeframe in which the Russian high command has calculated that the assault group will completely expend its combat capabilities during attritional combat operations.

The concept of dedicated assault companies pulled from existing regiments, brigades, and battalions is not a novelty for Russian forces in Ukraine, and indeed has become the prevalent tactic of attack along most of the frontline for over a year, apart from occasional (mostly unsuccessful) mechanized assaults. ISW first began reporting on the creation of such specialized assault detachments within non-VDV Russian forces in February 2023 and observed the use of such assault-focused detachments in infantry-heavy frontal assaults leading to high levels of attrition throughout the course of 2023. The fact that VDV forces are now relying on the same frontal assault tactic as ordinary Russian infantry and mechanized forces is notable, and further suggests that the VDV and other formations that were previously considered "elite" within the Russian military prior to 2022 have lost those distinctions due to the way that the Russian command writ large is prosecuting the war. The codification of the assault group into VDV training doctrine further supports ISW's long-standing assessment that the way that Russia is fighting in Ukraine has blurred previously relevant distinctions among various services, largely reducing all frontline troops to understrength and low-quality motorized rifle units. A prominent Russian commentator, who previously served as an instructor for a "Storm-Z" assault unit (which notably used similar tactics to those outlined in the VDV training manual), criticized Russia's reliance on attritional infantry-led frontal assaults on June 20, noting that this practice maintains constant pressure on Ukrainian defenders but does not achieve operationally significant results. The current style of Russian assaults in Ukraine, however, corresponds with Russian President Vladimir Putin's recently articulated theory of Russian victory in Ukraine, which suggests that all Russian forces need to do is gradually achieve creeping advances while keeping tension on Ukraine and its partners in order to win a war of attrition against Ukraine.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 20, 2024, ISW
