

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 27, 2024, ISW ⬇️




6月18日にトレツィク[Toretsk]方面で活動を活発化させて以降、ロシア軍はこの方面での攻勢作戦のテンポを持続させている。また、ロシア軍はこの地域に存在するウクライナ側突出部の削減を目的にしている可能性が高く、トレツィク周辺でロシア軍が迅速に戦果をあげる可能性は現状、ほとんどない。ロシア軍は今のところこの作戦に限られた戦力しか投入しておらず、このことは、ロシア軍が迅速な機動戦によって作戦レベルで大きな戦果をあげることよりも、漸進的な進撃を優先し続けていることを示唆している。ロシア軍はトレツィク方面(チャシウ・ヤール[Chasiv Yar]から南西、アウジーウカ[Avdiivka]から北東の方向)において、6月18日夜に攻撃行動の烈度を上げた。なお、2024年のこれまでの間、この地区での動きが全般的にみて不活発であったのちの出来事である。ロシア軍はこれまでトレツィクの南方と東方に位置する小集落群に対して、主として歩兵主体の正面攻撃を仕掛けているが、この地域において、大規模な機械化部隊による攻撃はまだ行っていない。そして、ロシア軍はこの地域において、注目に値する戦術的戦果を今のところあげていない。ハルキウ州北部で新たに始めたロシア軍攻勢作戦が、ウクライナ軍戦力を、戦線上のほかの地区から誘引し、ハルキウ州北部に拘束することを、ロシア軍は活用していこうとしている。その目的は、ドネツィク州のような戦線上の重要地域での戦果達成を追及することにある。なお、注目すべき点として、ロシア軍がポクロウシク[Pokrovsk]方面(アウジーウカの西方)での前進、あるいは、作戦上重要な小都市チャシウ・ヤールの掌握といった取り組みを進める代わりに、これまで戦線上で不活発であった地区において、作戦の烈度を最近になって上げたということがある。トレツィク方面で前進することがないまま、ロシア軍がチャシウ・ヤール地区とアウジーウカから北西の地点で前進すればするほど、トレツィク方面のウクライナ側突出部の縦深はますます深くなっていき、そのことは、チャシウ・ヤール及びアウジーウカ方面で前進するロシア軍のすぐ後方の地域に向けて、ウクライナ軍が定期的な砲撃を加えるための地点を、ウクライナ軍に与えることになるだろう。また、トレツィク突出部がますます深くなれば、チャシウ・ヤール南側戦線とアウジーウカ突出部北側戦線に対するウクライナ軍の大がかりな反撃に、ロシア軍はますます脆弱になっていくことになる。トレツィク周辺でのロシア軍攻勢作戦は、ウクライナ側突出部がもたらす脅威の削減を目的にしている可能性が高い。それと並行して、ロシア軍はアウジーウカとチャシウ・ヤールの両方面での戦果の追及を続けている。






Russian forces have sustained the tempo of their offensive operations in the Toretsk direction since activating in the area on June 18 and likely aim to reduce a Ukrainian salient in the area, but there is little current likelihood of rapid Russian gains near Toretsk. Russian forces have committed only limited forces to this operation so far, which suggests that Russian forces continue to prioritize gradual advances through consistent grinding assaults over operationally significant gains through rapid maneuver. Russian forces increased the intensity of their assaults in the Toretsk direction (southwest of Chasiv Yar and northeast of Avdiivka) on the night of June 18 after being generally inactive on this sector of the front so far in 2024. Russian forces have so far conducted mainly frontal infantry-heavy assaults on small settlements south and east of Toretsk and have yet to conduct any significant mechanized assaults in the area. Russian forces have yet to make any notable tactical gains in the area. Russian forces have sought to exploit how renewed Russian offensive operations in northern Kharkiv Oblast have drawn and fixed Ukrainian forces from other sectors of the frontline to pursue gains in critical frontline areas, particularly in Donetsk Oblast. It is noteworthy, however, that Russian forces have recently intensified operations in a previously inactive sector of the front instead of their efforts to advance in the Pokrovsk direction (west of Avdiivka) or to seize the operationally significant town of Chasiv Yar. The further Russian forces advance in the Chasiv Yar area and northwest of Avdiivka without making similar gains in the Toretsk direction, the deeper the Ukrainian salient in the Toretsk direction would become, offering Ukrainian forces an area from which to conduct routine fire against immediate rear areas of the Russian advance in the Chasiv Yar and Avdiivka directions. A deeper salient in the Toretsk area would also leave Russian forces more vulnerable to significant Ukrainian counterattacks on the southern front of the Chasiv Yar direction and the northern front of the Avdiivka salient. Russian offensive operations near Toretsk likely aim to reduce the threat posed by this Ukrainian salient while Russian forces continue to pursue gains in the Avdiivka and Chasiv Yar directions.

Russian offensive operations in the Toretsk direction suggest that the Russian military command does not consider a large-scale operation to advance towards Kostyantynivka from multiple operational directions feasible. [...] The Russian military command may intend for operations in the Toretsk direction to support an envisioned push from Chasiv Yar towards Kostyantynivka in a narrower offensive operation to seize the city. Russian forces may alternatively have no intention of making significant tactical gains in the Toretsk direction and may hope that offensive operations in the area will apply pressure on Ukrainian forces along a wider front in Donetsk Oblast and facilitate gains in the Chasiv Yar and Avdiivka directions.

Russian forces have so far committed limited combat power to their offensive operations in the Toretsk direction and will struggle to make significant tactical gains in the area without significant reinforcement. [...] The arrival or commitment of Russian reinforcements in the area would be an indicator that Russian forces intend for operations in the Toretsk direction to be more tactically significant than diversionary. Even if Russian forces were able to succeed in seizing Toretsk, however, advances beyond the settlement would be equally if not more difficult given the open terrain and large water features to the north and northwest. ISW currently assesses rapid Russian tactical gains in the Toretsk direction to be unlikely. Russian forces may nonetheless intend to conduct consistent offensive operations in the area to pursue creeping tactical gains as they are throughout the theater.

Slow grinding Russian offensive operations in the Toretsk direction are in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin's articulated theory of victory that posits that Russian forces will be able to continue gradual creeping advances indefinitely, prevent Ukraine from conducting successful operationally significant counteroffensive operations, and win a war of attrition against Ukrainian forces. [...] The West must proactively provide Ukrainian forces with the necessary equipment and weapons at the scale, timing, and regularity that Ukrainian forces require for operations that liberate significant swaths of occupied Ukraine and challenge Putin's belief that he can gradually subsume Ukraine should rapid total victory appear unreachable.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 27, 2024, ISW
