
【内容一部紹介】ISW ロシアによる攻勢戦役評価 1910 ET 30.04.2024 《ドネツィク州方面におけるロシア軍の動向》



4月30日はここ数日間で初めて、アウジーウカ[Avdiivka]地区における裏付けの取れたロシア軍の前進がなかった一方、ウクライナ側情報筋の報告によると、バフムート~チャシウ・ヤール[Bakhmut-Chasiv Yar]方面のおけるロシア軍の攻撃は、アウジーウカ周辺よりもずっと多いものだったということだ。

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, April 30, 2024, ISW




Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, April 30, 2024, ISW

ウクライナ人軍事ウォッチャーのコスチャンティン・マショヴェツ氏によると、ロシア軍はオチェレティネから北西に向かう代わりに、スタラ・ミコライウカ[Stara Mykolaivka]~スハ・バルカ[Sukha Balka]線方向(アウジーウカからH20高速道路沿いに北へ向かう方向)に攻勢重点を置いている可能性があるとのことだ。マショヴェツ氏が指摘するロシア軍攻勢重点は、ISWが最近示したロシア軍行動予測と一致している。ISWはこの動きの目的が、トレツィク[Toretsk]地区を防衛中のウクライナ軍に圧力を加えることと、可能ならば、チャシウ・ヤール市内と同市西方を守るウクライナ軍の作戦後方地域に脅威を及ぼすことにあると指摘している。

https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/36a7f6a6f5a9448496de641cf64bd375 に加筆)


https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/36a7f6a6f5a9448496de641cf64bd375 に加筆)



Russian forces did not make any confirmed advances in the Avdiivka area on April 30 for the first time in several days, while Ukrainian sources reported that Russian forces conducted several more attacks in the Bakhmut-Chasiv Yar direction than near Avdiivka. The Ukrainian General Staff’s morning and evening reports on April 30 stated that Ukrainian forces repelled a total of 47 Russian attacks in the Avdiivka direction and 57 Russian attacks in the Bakhmut direction throughout the day, notably a much higher number of attacks in the Chasiv Yar direction than Ukrainian sources have recently reported out on. One day’s worth of reporting is not sufficient to establish a pattern, but it may suggest that Russian forces are somewhat slowing down the rate of attacks around Avdiivka while re-committing to offensive pushes around Chasiv Yar, as ISW recently forecasted they would. Russian forces have focused on building on tactical success near Ocheretyne (northwest of Avdiivka) and Novokalynove (north of Avdiivka) since around April 20, but the rate of confirmed advances appears to have slowed as of April 30. Russian milbloggers claimed that Russian forces advanced 2.7 kilometers wide and 1.52 kilometers deep north of Novokalynove; in southern Keramik (north of Avdiivka); and in an area up to 1.75 kilometers wide and 1.15 kilometers deep northwest of Ocheretyne in the direction of Novooleksandriivka. Russian milbloggers also claimed that Russian forces advanced west of Semenivka and Berdychi (both northwest of Avdiivka). ISW has not observed visual evidence of any of these claims. Russian milbloggers claimed that Russian forces operating near Ocheretyne are 13 kilometers from the T-0504 (Pokrovsk-Kostyantynivka) highway, which is consistent with ISW‘s assessed Russian advances in the area. Fighting also continued northwest of Avdiivka near Arkhanhelske, Sokil, and Solovyove west of Avdiivka near Umanske, and southwest of Avdiivka near Netaylove. Ukrainian military observer Kostyantyn Mashovets stated that elements of the Russian 132nd Motorized Rifle Brigade (1st Donetsk People’s Republic Army Corps [DNR AC]) and 35th Motorized Rifle Brigade (41st Combined Arms Army [CAA], Central Military District [CMD]) are operating near Novokalynove and Keramik; elements of the 30th Motorized Rifle Brigade (2nd CAA, CMD) are attacking toward Novooleksandrivka; elements of the 27th Motorized Rifle Division (2nd CAA) are operating near Solovyove, Berdychi, and Semenivka; elements of the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade (41st CAA) are operating near Berdychi; and elements of the 114th Motorized Rifle Brigade (1st DNR AC) are operating west of Orlivka.

Russian forces may decide to push from their salient north of Avdiivka towards the Toretsk area to complement Russian offensive operations near Chasiv Yar, which would likely require Russian forces to conduct a tactical pause to concentrate forces for such a drive. Mashovets stated that Russian forces may focus their efforts on the Stara Mykolaivka-Sukha Balka line (north of the Ochertyne-Keramik line and southwest of Toretsk) instead of northwest of Ocheretyne as Russian forces are already struggling to defend the flanks of their salient near Ocheretyne. ISW recently assessed that Russian forces may decide to advance north from their tactical penetration near Ocheretyne along the H-20 (Donetsk City-Kostyantynivka) highway to pressure Ukrainian forces defending in the Toretsk area and possibly threaten the operational rear of the Ukrainian defense in and west of Chasiv Yar. Chasiv Yar is an operationally significant objective as it would provide Russian forces with a staging ground to launch offensive operations against Druzhkivka and Kostyantynivka, which form the fortress belt of four major cities in Donetsk Oblast. Russian forces would likely require a longer pause to reinforce existing units and redeploy additional forces to the Ocheretyne area should they choose to attempt to advance northward to the Toretsk area, however. Mashovets stated that the Russian Central Grouping of Forces (currently responsible for the Avdiivka area) has created a tactical reserve of three small infantry regiments in the Avdiivka direction, and ISW previously assessed that Russian forces have been establishing operational- and strategic-level reserves likely to support an anticipated spring-summer offensive effort.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, April 30, 2024, ISW

