
【抄訳】ISW ロシアによる攻勢戦役評価 2020 ET 11.05.2024 《ハルキウ州方面情勢に関するISW評価の要点》




  1. 5月10日にロシア側情報筋の一つは、ロシア軍がホプティウカ[Hoptivka]を占領したと主張した。

  2. 5月11日にウクライナ軍ホルティツィア部隊集団報道官ナザール・ヴォロシン中佐は、ロシア軍がオヒルツェヴェ[Ohirtseve]付近で戦闘中であることを認めた。

  3. 5月11日にロシア側情報筋の一つは、イズビツケ[Izbytske]の北方とスタリツィヤ[Starytsya]内西部でロシア軍が前進したと主張した。

  4. 5月11日にロシア側情報筋の一つは、ロシア軍がフリボケ[Hlyboke]を掌握したと主張した。

  5. 5月11日投稿の撮影地点特定可能な動画によって、モロホヴェツ[Morokhovets]から南西の地点でロシア軍が前進したことが分かる。

  6. 5月11日投稿の撮影地点特定可能な動画によって、コロミーチーハ[Kolomiychiyha]の西方でロシア軍が前進したことが分かる。










Russian forces are conducting relatively limited offensive operations along the Russian-Ukrainian border in northern Kharkiv Oblast and continued to make tactically significant gains in likely less defended areas. The reported sizes of the Russian elements committed to these limited operations and of the Russian force grouping deployed along the border in northeastern Ukraine indicate that Russian forces are not pursuing a large-scale operation to envelop, encircle, or seize Kharkiv City at this time. (. . .)

Russian forces reportedly launched offensive operations along the Russian-Ukrainian border in northern Kharkiv Oblast before they had completed bringing the Northern Grouping of Forces up to its reported planned end strength and have so far only committed a limited amount of combat power to offensive operations in the area. (. . .) Russian forces will likely introduce reserves to intensify ongoing offensive operations in the area in the coming days, however, the Russian forces lack the necessary manpower required to attempt a large-scale offensive operation to envelop, encircle, or seize Kharkiv City according to all available reports.

ISW continues to assess that the Russian offensive operations in northern Kharkiv Oblast likely aim to draw Ukrainian forces from other sectors of the front while allowing Russian forces to advance to within tube artillery range of Kharkiv City.. (. . .) The seizure of Kharkiv City most certainly is a desired operational objective for Russian forces, but not one that the Russian military appears to be pursuing in the near term.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian military command may be evaluating the risks, prospects, and timeline of offensive operations in northern Kharkiv Oblast based on the assumption that Ukraine cannot and will not be able to liberate territory seized by Russian forces. Putin's and the Russian military command's calculus about the threat of Ukrainian territorial gains is likely shaping Russia's overall operational approach to seizing territory in Ukraine.. (. . .)

The limited Russian offensive operations in northern Kharkiv Oblast suggest that the resumption of US security assistance has not changed Putin's calculus or that he launched the Kharkiv effort without reassessing the operation's fundamental assumptions about Ukrainian capabilities in light of the resumption of aid.. (. . .)

The directions of Russian offensive operations in the international border area suggest that Russia may be attempting to create a "buffer zone" to protect Belgorod City, as Russian and Ukrainian officials have recently stated. (. . .)

Russian forces appear to be attempting to quickly isolate the battlespace east of the Siverskyi Donets River and seize Vovchansk, a direction of advance that Russian forces may believe could threaten the Ukrainian grouping defending in the Kupyansk direction. (. . .)

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 11, 2024, ISW
