
Escape - 4

< Machine Translation Version >


  Takeshi turned the dial with trepidation. There was a senior colleague couple's apartment nearby. He was a little scared, however, because he was a senior colleague who usually yelled a lot. Moreover, Takeshi thought it would be bad to be on the phone this late at night, but he started talking quickly.

"I'm sorry to phone you at this time of mid night. I'm Takeshi. I'm actually at the police station right now..." Takeshi tried to explain, but was interrupted.
"What did I do wrong? Did you get arrested?"

"Senior, senior, I'm not under arrest.  I was in a car accident.  A car crashed into the side of my beloved Silvia."

"Oh, I see. You're at the police station, so you're not injured. That's good. So, why did you call me at this hour? You could have called me tomorrow morning."

"Senior, that's not what I meant. I'm going to prepare a report with the police officers, and I can't go home when I'm done, so I want you to let me stay at your apartment for the night. I'm really sorry to phone bother you at this time of night.”

"Hmm, a report? Why?”

"The driver of the car that hit my car disappeared.  And he left the car and escape. That's how it happened.”

"Oh, what's that? The man ran away. And left the car behind. I can't believe it. Well, if that's the case, I guess we'll just have to do it. Okay, fine. But it's not easy for Takeshi.”

"Um, is your wife okay? It's a little late to be barging in here like this."

"She's fine. I'll tell her everything. So what time do you want me to pick you up?"

"They'll probably let us go in about an hour.”

"Okay, okay, I'll meet you in the parking lot of the police station around 1:00 a.m. It's a good thing I did't have  drink a beer today. Let's have a beer when we get back.”

"Thank you very much. You've been very helpful.”

Takeshi asked the police officer to finish by 1:00 a.m. since Takeshi was to be picked up by his senior colleague, and the preparation of the traffic accident report began. Takeshi felt a little nervous.

A simple map of the accident site was drawn, and Takeshi told the story in order, from the time he felt the other car was going to hit him to the collision, when the other car drove off and he chased it for 3.5 kilometers before stopping the car. The police officer wrote it down in his report. Police officer will also take a statement from the assailant to confirm this information. Normally, both parties would be present at the scene of the accident, so it wouldn't be such a hassle.

Takeshi told the police officer one last thing that bothered him. Takeshi said that this missing man might have been drinking and driving. Takeshi told police officer that Takeshi smelled alcohol when Takeshi talked to the man. The police officer said that if that was the case, the man was sure of it and there was a good chance that he would turn himself in tomorrow morning. If you question him when he comes in, he will usually just say that he was upset and wanted to get away from the scene because he was scared. He said that even if he tested for alcohol at that time, there was a good chance that he would not react. However, this made Takeshi feel even more annoyed because he was forced to spend a lot of time in custody.

Then Takeshi heard that the police officer have another purpose. This one is more important. Based on the fact that the assailant is on the run, the police will be preparing a request for an arrest warrant. In order to do so, they need to prepare a report by tonight.If the assailant doesn't show up at the police station by nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the arrest warrant will be executed and he will be arrested.  So the man is now a criminal. Takeshi was really glad that he was not in the opposite position.

Normally, Takeshi would have already gone to bed by now, but his mind was starting to feel unusually clear. Takeshi was even worrying about things he didn't need to worry about. Takeshi wondered what would happen if the man wasn't at the address on his driver's license, but the police officer guessed and answered Takeshi. The first thing they do is hand out a wanted list, the police officer said. The police officer that they ware sure that he was at least in the vicinity, so he would have to make arrangements with the nearby police stations as well. When Takeshi heard this, he wondered even more why they didn't just go to the address on the license now. Takeshi wondered if there was anything he could do to prevent this from happening in advance, but he didn't think there was anything to be gained by asking too much about it, so he let it happen and didn't mention it.

Takeshi's report itself went off without a hitch.  That is true. It was just a matter of stating the facts. Takeshi had nothing to be ashamed of this time, so he could talk about it with pride. From time to time, the man even had the luxury of worrying about how difficult it would be for that man in the future. As planned, the report was finished around one o'clock in the morning, and Takeshi was released from the police station. Takeshi's senior colleague was supposed to pick me up at the parking lot.

As Takeshi was about to leave the room, the police officer gave him one last piece of advice. If the assailant could not be found, or if it would take a long time, or if the other party did not have insurance, he said, he might have to use his own voluntary insurance to have the car repaired. Otherwise, he said, he might not be able to start the repair work forever. Takeshi want to fix it as soon as possible, because there is no window glass and the door can't be opened properly because of the dent. Without repairs, Takeshi would not be able to drive his beloved Silvia. This is adding insult to injury

"Maybe I'll have to pay for the repairs myself? That's ridiculous."

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The original (Japanese) is on sale at Amazon kindle

#小説 #逃走 #機械翻訳 #Escape



