
Escape - 3

< Machine Translation Version >

Scene Inspection

  Shortly after, the police officer arrived. One police car and two police officer. Well, it was the middle of the night, so Takeshi guess it couldn't be helped. And it was a small road over the mountains. They seemed to have come from the police station in the town where the research institute where Takeshi works is located. Takeshi guessed that this mountain road was within their jurisdiction.

  Takeshi's Silvia was parked in front of the Mercedes Benz. In addition, the driver's side window of the Silvia was broken and the door was dented. The position of the car is strange for a collision.

  The arriving police officer looked curiously at the position of each stopped car and asked Takeshi a question.

"Are you the driver of the car that was hit?" Police officer asked.

"Yes, I am. He hit my car hard on the right side of the driver's seat." Takeshi replied.

"Where is the driver of the car that hit you?" Police officer asked again.

"It's, uh, gone.”

"What do you mean it's gone?”

"I went to the phone booth on the other side of the street to call the police, and when I came back, Mr. Takagi said he wanted to call too, so he went to the phone box. But then he disappeared suddenly."

"Who is Mr. Takagi?" Police officer asked again.

"Oh, I actually have the driver's license of the person who hit me, as well as his car keys. I also have the car keys.”

"Did you take them from him?”

"No, he gave me his driver's license and his car key after I caught him and request them..”

"What do you mean you caught him? “

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you the most important thing. I was hit not here, but further down the road. After the collision, I saw a Mercedes Benz driving away, so I made a U-turn to catch up with it. So I made a U-turn and went after it, and caught up with it here, so I passed it and blocked the road.”

"Wow, you did something just like in the movies, didn't you? I see. Now, could you please pull over to the left side of the road? I'll move the Mercedes, so give me the keys."

  For the moment, the two cars were pulled over to the left side of the road to allow traffic to pass. One police officer remained there as a lookout, and Takeshi and the other police officer went back to the place where the accident had occurred to verify the situation. As Takeshi got into the police car and led the way to the spot where the car had been hit, he explained the circumstances of the accident to the police officer driving the car with uncontrollable anger. The police officer seemed to be half-amused. Then, They arrived at the scene of the accident.

"Oh, over there. I was hit on the curve before the tunnel.”

"Okay, I understand. I'll go check it out, so please wait here."

  The police officer was at the scene with his lights on, checking for signs of an accident. There should be debris from the blinker and window glass. Shortly after, the police officer returned.

"There are definitely signs of a collision. So you chased him from here?”

"Yes, that's right. Oh, but I wasn't speeding."

"Well, there's no way to confirm that this time for speeding. then let's measure the distance from here to where we were before."

  The patrol car reset its distance meter and returned to the spot where it had just stopped. As it returned, the policeman said that if the man had run away, it might have been difficult to find him, and Takeshi thought that he had made the right decision in going after him. Takeshi was aware that he looked a little proud of himself when he thought about it. In the meantime, he had returned to the place where he had parked his car, a distance of 3.5 kilometers. That was quite a distance. Takeshi wouldn't have even been able to identify the type of car if he hadn't caught up with the man.

  Takeshi and the police officer returned to the spot where they had parked the car, and the police officer checked what appeared to be a piece of blinker that he had picked up at the accident scene. It was a match. It seemed that there was no mistake after all. A piece of window glass from Takefumi's beloved Silvia was also confirmed, and it was determined that there was no mistake. However, the man who was responsible for the crime had disappeared. What will they do now?

  After the two police officer had discussed the matter, they came over to Takeshi and began to explain to him what they were going to do. They seemed a little apologetic.

"I'm very sorry, but could you please leave the car with the police for a moment? Since the perpetrator is not here, I would like to take both cars to the police and check the details again to make a case. Therefore, I apologize for calling you at this time of night, but could you please accompany me to our police station and help me prepare a report?"

"You mean from now on, don't you? It's already past eleven PM."

"Yes, since the perpetrator is not present, I would like to do so."

"Then what should I do?"

"Yes, we'll drive the Mercedes, so could you please drive your own car and follow the police car?"

"Okay," Takeshi said and muttered in his mind, he has gotten himself into a lot of trouble.

  Takeshi got into his car, looked resentfully at the shattered driver's window, started the engine, moved the car, and got behind the police car. The Mercedes Benz was behind Takeshi. I was in a sandwich and felt sick, as if I had been caught by the police. We arrived at the police station near where Takeshi worked, and parked side by side in the parking lot with the Mercedes Benz. As the date was about to change, we were ushered into a room in the station to prepare the report. Thankfully, hot tea was served.

"I don't think I can go home today because I don't have any means of transportation. I'm sorry, but we can't give you a ride home in a police car due to regulations."

"Oh, no... Now, can I borrow your phone?"

"Okay, okay. Please use this phone."

  Takeshi was beginning to feel as if he were the perpetrator. Takeshi was furious at the thought that he had to go through all this just because that man had disappeared.

"I guess I'll just have to call my senior, what if he says no? No way."

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The original (Japanese) is on sale at Amazon kindle

#小説 #逃走 #機械翻訳 #Escape



