

 さて、これからChatGPTをチューターとしてアリストテレス倫理学を読んでいくわけであるが、サマリーとか内容のまとめをCatGPT に聞いていないだろうか?こうした古典はやはり一人で読むのは大変だ。どのように読むかは解釈の伝統がある。そのときに役に立つのはアナリゼという言葉である。

アナリゼはanalyzeであるが、意味はwebster  辞書によると、

to study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts of (something) by analysis
である。全体を部分に分けて、それらがどのような関係にあるのかを見ることで、その活動を分析analysis という。ではanalysis  とは何か?webster  によると以下である。
a detailed examination of anything complex in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features : a thorough study





Analyze: Every craft and every method of inquiry and likewise every action and deliberate choice seems to seek some good. That is why they correctly declare that the good is that which all seek.

翻訳: 「すべての工芸や探求方法、同様にすべての行動や意図的な選択は何らかの善を追求しているように見えます。それが、善が全ての人々が追求するものであると正しく宣言される理由です。


Aristotle's quote here presents the main argument of his ethical philosophy: the idea that all human actions and choices aim at some conception of the good. He uses the examples of crafts, methods of inquiry, actions, and deliberate choices to illustrate this idea.

  • Every craft: In a craft, the aim is to produce a good result. For example, a carpenter aims to build a sturdy, functional, and possibly aesthetically pleasing piece of furniture. This result is what the craft seeks and can be seen as its 'good'.

  • Every method of inquiry: Similarly, a method of inquiry, such as a scientific investigation, seeks the 'good' of knowledge or understanding. A biologist studying a cell, for example, aims to learn more about its structure and functions. This knowledge is the 'good' that the investigation seeks.

  • Every action and deliberate choice: When people take actions or make choices, they usually do so with some goal or benefit in mind, whether it's short-term (like eating when hungry) or long-term (like studying for a degree). This goal or benefit is the 'good' that the action or choice seeks.

In other words, according to Aristotle, all human activities aim at achieving something beneficial or desirable - a 'good'. That's why Aristotle claims that the good is that which all seek. However, he also makes it clear that not all goods are created equal: some goods are sought for their own sake, while others are sought as means to other ends. The highest good, according to Aristotle, is eudaimonia, which he understands as a flourishing, fulfilling, and virtuous life.


analyze: A certain difference, however, appears to exist among ends. For some are activities while others are works of some sort beyond the activities themselves. But wherever there are ends beyond the actions, in those cases, the works are many sorts of actions, in those cases, the works are naturally better than the activities. But wherever there are ends beyond the actions, in those cases, the works are naturally better than the activities. But since there are many sorts of actions and of crafts and sciences, their ends are many as well. For health is the end of medicine, a ship of shipbuilding, victory of generalship, and weatlh of household management.




analyze: Some of these fall under some one capacity, however, as bridle making falls under hourseman ship, along with all the others that produce equipment for horsemanship, and the others that produce equipment for horsemanship, and as it and every action in warfare fall under generalship, and, in the same way, others fall under different ones. But in all such cases, the ends of the architectonic ones are more choice worthy than the ends under them, since these are pursued for the sake also of the former. It makes no difference, though, whether the ends of the actions are the activities themselves or some other things beyond them, just as in the sciences we have mentioned.



Sure, I can certainly do that. Here are some questions that may help assess Naohito's comprehension:

  1. According to Aristotle, what is the common goal that all human activities aim for?

  2. How does Aristotle differentiate between different types of 'ends' or 'goods'?

  3. Can you provide an example of an 'end' in one of the crafts or sciences, as Aristotle describes?

  4. What does Aristotle mean when he says some ends "fall under" other ones?

  5. Can you explain Aristotle's concept of "architectonic" ends? How do they relate to other ends?

  6. Aristotle mentions that the 'goods' or 'ends' of activities can be the activities themselves or something beyond them. Can you give examples of each?

  7. What is the significance of the 'good' being what all actions and choices seek, according to Aristotle? How does it fit into his broader ethical philosophy?

  8. In Aristotle's view, are all 'goods' or 'ends' equally valuable? Why or why not?

  9. How does the concept of 'eudaimonia' fit into this discussion of 'goods' and 'ends'?

  10. How does this section of the text lay the groundwork for Aristotle's later discussions of virtue and moral character?



  1. アリストテレスはどのようにして異なる種類の「結果」または「善」を区別していますか?

  2. アリストテレスが述べているように、工芸や科学の「結果」の例を提供していただけますか?

  3. アリストテレスが言うには、一部の「結果」が他のものの「下に位置する」意味するのは何ですか?

  4. 「建築的な」結果というアリストテレスの概念を説明できますか?それらは他の結果とどのように関連していますか?

  5. アリストテレスは、活動の「善」または「結果」が活動そのものであったり、それを超えた何かであったりすることに言及しています。それぞれの例を挙げていただけますか?

  6. アリストテレスによれば、すべての行動と選択が求める「善」の意義は何ですか?それは彼の広範な倫理哲学にどのように適合しますか?

  7. アリストテレスの視点では、すべての「善」または「結果」が等しく価値があると言えますか? なぜまたはなぜないのですか?

  8. 「幸福(eudaimonia)」の概念は、「善」や「結果」のこの議論にどのように組み込まれていますか?

  9. このテキストのセクションは、アリストテレスの後の美徳と道徳的性格に関する議論の基礎をどのように築いていますか?

  10. このテキストのセクションは、アリストテレスの後の美徳と道徳的性格に関する議論の基礎をどのように築いていますか?


