
OHAOプロジェクト 学びのフェア&タンザニア連合共和国イベント発表!



左からグレイソン参事官様、OHAO 諏江、政治・文化担当 ホセア様、一等書記官(経済担当)エドナ様、上席行政官 白井様





OHAO Project Learning Fair & Announcement of the Tanzania Union Event!

Hello everyone!

Today, I am delighted to announce the host country for the upcoming Learning Fair scheduled for February 24th (Saturday) from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The host country is the United Republic of Tanzania.

We had a meeting today at the Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania to discuss how we can introduce the charm of Tanzania to the children. This Learning Fair will be co-hosted in collaboration with the Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania.

As of now, the Ambassador's wife is planning to act as the cooking instructor, and the embassy's chef will provide support for the cooking. Additionally, presentations will be given by the Foreign Affairs Officer and the Chief Administrative Officer. Mr. Hiraiwa, who introduced us to the United Republic of Tanzania, will also be sharing the charm of Tanzania with the children.

Please note that meals will be available by reservation only, so please stay tuned for the reservation details.

We hope you are looking forward to this exciting event!
