「万有は阿頼耶識より縁起したものであるとしている」 LLMさんこんにちは / Hello LLM, "All things are assumed to be originated from Arya."
つぎに〈諸法無我〉については,無我であるならば行為や輪廻の主体は何なのかと考察した。経量部の種子説,大衆部の根本識,化地部の窮生死蘊などは,この問題意識から生じたもので,このうち経量部の種子説は,後の大乗の唯識説の主張する阿頼耶識(アーラヤビジュニャーナālayavijñāna)の先駆思想と考えられている。 〈涅槃寂静〉に関して小乗論師たちは,涅槃とは何か,釈迦の本質は何か,一般修行者の究極的到達点である阿羅漢(羅漢)の境地とは何か,涅槃に至る過程は何か,などの点について詳細に研究し,その思索を発展せしめた。
心に積集、集起の2つの義があって、阿頼耶識は諸法の種子を集め、諸法を生起するので、心という。あるいは心と名づく。種々の法によって、種子を薫習し、積集する所なるが故に。 唯識論3
The hypothesis that the mind is made up of abstract language objects will probably be discussed in the future, but let us consider Araya-sense.
While inheriting the idea of emptiness as taught in the Prajnaparamita Sutra, it has been taught by those who prefer the practice of yoga in an attempt to correct the tendency to view emptiness as nihilism, and is said to be based on the Zen experience that "all existence is merely a shadow image created by the mind. This theory is characterized by the establishment of two deep psychological realms in addition to the conventional six kinds of consciousness (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and will): araya-sense (araya-sense), which stores the seeds that carry the mechanism, and manasashiki, which is the fundamental ego-attachment consciousness, as the fundamental consciousness that gives rise to all representations of existence. The other is manasatsuki, which is the fundamental ego-attachment consciousness. He also divided existence into the three categories of henge-sho-yoshi-yoshi-yoshi-yoshiki (the way of existence as subject and object), eta-arigi-yoshi-yoshiki (the phase that arises from the cause and effect), and enji-yoshitsu-yoshi-yoshi-yoshiki (the true form of existence apart from the subject and object), as well as the theory of the three natures of being, which was negatively expressed in the following three categories The theory of the three natures, and the theory of the three asexuals, which negatively expresses the three asexuals, are also unique ideas of the materialistic theory.
https://kotobank.jp/word/阿頼耶識-27878#:~:text=あらや‐しき %E3%80%90%C3%97%E9%98%BF%E2%96%BD,%E3%81%8B%E3%82%89%E7%A8%AE%E5%AD%90%E8%AD%98%E3%81%A8%E3%82%82%E3%81%84%E3%82%8F%E3%82%8C %8B%E3%80%82
Next, regarding "Dharma without self," I examined what the subject of action and samsara is if it is selfless. The seed theory of the Sutra, the root consciousness of the masses, and the perception of the impermanent nature of life and death of the buddhas are all derived from this consideration of the problem. The Mahayana teachers of the Lesser Vehicle developed their thought through detailed study of what nirvana is, what is the essence of the Buddha, what is the state of arhatship, the ultimate goal of the ordinary practitioner, and what is the process of attaining nirvana.
https://kotobank.jp/word/阿頼耶識-27878#:~:text=あらや‐しき %E3%80%90%C3%97%E9%98%BF%E2%96%BD,%E3%81%8B%E3%82%89%E7%A8%AE%E5%AD%90%E8%AD%98%E3%81%A8%E3%82%82%E3%81%84%E3%82%8F%E3%82%8C %8B%E3%80%82
There are two types of mind, accumulation and generation. Araya-sensei is called mind because it collects the seeds of the Dharma and generates the Dharma. Arayastha is called mind because it collects the seeds of the Dharma and gives rise to the various Dharma. Araya-sense is called "mind" or "heart" because it collects the seeds of the Dharma and gives rise to the Dharma. The term "quality and multiplicity" is used in the third Brahma of the Tractatus Tractatus theory. This is called mind. The righteousness of accumulation is the righteousness of the mind. The righteousness of collection is the righteousness of the mind. For when one collects, many seeds are produced. This knowledge is taught as the mind. The end of the third section of the Tathagata Sikyogi
The third part of the explanation is clearly LLM, thank you very much.... The seeds are objects (ALOs). Thanks for your help. I'd like to read up on this.
When we talk about language models, we are not talking about language, but abstract language objects (design, music, dance, and the body all have "language objects").
