
Short story: "Extracting Sand from Clams"

"Oh, that's how you do it."
I'm visiting my parents' home during the end of the year and New Year's. I had work to do, but I haven't been able to visit them for a few years, so it's been a while.
"Go for it!" "Oh no, the guard's down!" "There! Alright, alright." I hear cheerful voices coming from the living room. It's some cool-sounding martial arts event on New Year's Eve. It's been a few years since they allowed audience members, and there are cheers mixed in with the passionate announcer's play-by-play. It seems my father-in-law is a big martial arts fan. Both my father and sister seem pretty drunk from drinking with him during this rare visit. I don't watch any of it myself, so I'd be happy to have someone to enjoy it with.
"My, you're quite curious. Our food isn't anything special, just like anything you could find anywhere." "That's not true. It's fun." "Really?"My mother-in-law and I stand in the kitchen, opening a wooden box full of dishes for guests. We take out the paper in between them and line them up one by one. The dishes are a glossy scarlet color, and they only come out once a year. It's strange how they still seem new despite the passage of time. My parents were rather free-spirited, so the concept of family traditions and flavors was rare to me.
"Is your mother doing well?" "Yes, she's doing fine. As soon as travel bans were lifted, she immediately went somewhere for New Year's. Was it Finland this year?" "Your mother sure is free."Alright, let's get started. We use clams in our New Year's soup, but any kind of shellfish will do. We soak the sand out of them on New Year's Eve. My mother-in-law says this with enthusiasm as she carefully washes each clam one by one. I follow her lead. When I pick them up, their shapes, patterns, and textures are all different. The cold winter water feels pleasant after the heat of the beer I drank earlier.
"Add salt until it's almost like seawater, more or less. Just use your judgement." "I see."As my mother-in-law washes the clams efficiently, I see wrinkles, weight, and the sort of thing that resembles the meaning of life. My hands look thin and weak in comparison and have a lot to learn. It's not really a fair comparison, but the difference is clear when they are lined up.
"I'm sorry. Your daughter was quite selfish, wasn't she?" "It's okay. It was something we decided on together. I wasn't really one to care much about careers to begin with." "It was pretty good work, though, right?" "For my age, I suppose. Yuyu was more sure about what she wanted to do." "Yuyu's terrible at housework, isn't she?" "Well, I guess so." "I wonder if I forgot to tell her. I'm sorry." "If she wants to do it again, I'll do something too. Until then, I'll try to learn a lot about cooking." "I don't know anything, but I can't help but speak up. Getting older is tough."I roll up my sleeves and cross my arms, feeling motivated. My mother-in-law smiles and chuckles. There are moments of consideration that can be seen in her words, which makes me smile too.
"There are many ways to do things nowadays. If that's what the two of you want, then yes. That's good." "Thank you."
Small bubbles float silently and burst from the line of clams at the bottom of the large wooden barrel, as they relax and spit out sand, mistaking the kitchen for the sea. The world is filled with fresh water that contains tiny particles of our breath, only visible within it. The clams will also be used for making broth...said the mother-in-law mischievously, feeling a tad overzealous. "Finally, you need to stir them with your hands like you're using a rake, counterclockwise three and a half times. They repay your efforts by getting rid of more sand."
"Hmm, why is that?" asked the daughter-in-law.
With a serious expression for a moment and then slowly swallowing, she switched back to her happy smile.
"I never really thought about it. I only kept doing it as my mother taught me. But asking why is important too. There may be better ways to do it."
"You're right," said the daughter-in-law. "If I find out why, I'll let you know. And if you find out before me, please tell me."
Laughing about it being a competition, they begin preparing the remaining New Year's dishes. Slowly but steadily, they breathe underwater, quietly letting go of sand and discarding old shells, continuing to update their family and their form. They search for better methods, not just this year, but every year. And with each new year, they pour the freshest broth into crimson vessels.


待てうかつに近づくなエッセイにされるぞ あ、ああ……あー!ありがとうございます!!