



8/7(月)日記-My English-

Today, I have a shift in my kindergarten. It became a manth starting English diary today. I think awsome myself 三日坊主の私が. I’m not sure my English skill well, but I want to keep it.

ChatGPT-Right English-

I had a shift at the kindergarten today, so I worked.
It's been a month since I started my English diary. I think it's amazing that I, who is a three-day monk but has managed to continue this far. I'm not sure if my English skills have improved, but I want to keep going.


I had a sift at the kindergarten today, so I worked. It’s been a month since I started my English diary. I think it’s amazing that I, who is a three day monk, but has managed to continue this far. I’m not sure if my English skills have improved, but I wanted to keep going.

Thank you for reading. See you later!
