the most wanton truth

what would truth feel like to those feign being a philosopher of any kind, if he were to be given in life one chance only to know absolute truth, in exchange that it shall never be proven during his lifetime and even after his own demise. Furthermore, what if it means being ever ridiculed, denied by others and appears to be constantly disproven by a shallow, material reality? would you, O young philosopher, still claim to love the unfavourable truth, and this absolute truth alone at the risk of losing all the hospitality there is in the universe? being a Socrates having never been defended by Plato and his army of platonists, consigned to that ignominous death by poison after being declared as a lier and heretic by the state and human history and were readily to be forgotten by both of them forever? or Budda who died after spending decades meditating under the bodhi tree, yet met a sooner and a more shameful death than eating a dish of frird pork with mushrooms---- before even saying any pearl of wisdom that could potentially start the ancient and venerable school of buddhism thoughts? thus obtaining in life nothing much beyond that singular, unbeneficial truth and truth alone, and perhaps even with great sacrifice? 

would you henceforth claim yourself "only a fool, a poet, a philosopher," my friend? would you dance together with zarathustra in the desert, denuded of aught but his noble conscience that he alone may know all the truth--- the absolute truth, against everyone and everything in the universe?

 would you then exclaim thus in jubilation together with me this line of poetry i wrote----through a sprung rhythm, this line, the pronunciation of which conceals the risk of dooming yourself to the all-enveloping eternal duskiness of the cave of understanding with its lengthening shadows?

 Facing that wall you've heard the sound of eternal flow from elsewhere but you never could feel even the least of any moisture?

 if so, then let there be truth, and let the universe be destroyed.

 if so, then repeat after me this line that shall destroy the entire universe for you:
もしこの瞬間も無限の陶酔で出来たものでなければ、嗚呼 人の世よ
if this moment too is not surfeited with infinite drunkenness, O ye Human
then till i empty my sake cup
I want Eternal nothing.
