

This work is a dramatization of Shion Miura's novel of the same name. The story depicts the struggles of the dictionary editing staff from the perspective of a new employee, Midori Kishibe, rather than Umajime, the main character of the novel. Elaiza Ikeda plays the role of Midori, a former editorial staff member of a popular fashion magazine, and Yojiro Noda plays the role of Mitsuya majime真面目,馬締 a super serious boss(Kanji can be read in various ways, including on-yomi and kun-yomi.)

🪔For example, Yojiro Noda's role name is マジメ=``Serious (honesty) = horse 🐴jime.''.
You can also create words by combining kanji and kanji.漢字と漢字を組み合わせて造語もできます🪔

I hope those whose safety is unknown are found as soon as possible. We hope that those who are forced into inconvenience will be able to find peace of mind as soon as possible.

It looks like it's going to be a cold night again today.

I hope you stay as warm as possible.
