

Hotel baths always happen 3 times per world tour 🛁 No hot water (or lukewarm water) problem.

🌁🌁🌁This is a song featuring rapper kZm. Yojiro Noda made a surprise appearance and performed the song at the event "Enter to AKUMU CLUB" hosted by kZm's label De-void*, which was held at Shinkiba FACTORY in Tokyo on April 1st (Monday). The performance video was shared on social media and became a big topic of conversation. The music video was directed by Kento Yamada, who has also directed various music videos and live performances for RADWIMPS.
本作はラッパー・kZmをフィーチャリングに迎えた1曲。先日4月1日(月)に東京・新木場FACTORYにて開催された、kZm率いるレーベル〈De-void*〉主催イベント『Enter to AKUMU CLUB』に野田洋次郎がサプライズ出演し、同楽曲を披露。SNSではパフォーマンス動画が拡散されるなどして、大きな話題を呼んだ。MVの監督は、これまでRADWIMPSの様々なMVやライブ演出も手がけている山田健人が務めている。🌁🌁🌁

Japanese traffic lights are green, but they say green.

The English expression for "The grass is always greener on the other side" is "The grass is always greener on the other side".

Strangely enough, the Japanese word for "blue" is "GREEN" in English.

. In other words, "EVERGREEN" is eternal youth for me. Always blue.


